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possible towers

We looked at the monster towers but didn't like some of the things that particular review had to say about it, and it also costs more. I think the freeride has a little edgier feel that we like.
I ordered the Freeride for my 14 sx210. I will post some pics if it ever arrives. Ordered it Feb 27th. I placed order for the airborne 2.0. Then wife didn't want anything near the windows so i switched to the Freeride. So that put me back on the next shipment list which is mid June. Hurry up and wait....
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Cant wait for pics!
my wonderful wife has a seperate fund for the tower now and already has a third of it saved!
maybe this can happen before #bimini2016
I installed a tower made by Thirteenth Floor Towers on an old boat of mine. It was pretty easy, I did the install all by my lonesome. You can get them powder coated or polished or both.

Kind of an Old School look, but I wasn't too picky - got a killer deal on it.

I finally received my Freeride tower. Bad part is I sold my boat a few days after it arrived. So I am selling the tower if anyone wants a new in box Aerial FreeRide Tower in Black.


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I finally received my Freeride tower. Bad part is I sold my boat a few days after it arrived. So I am selling the tower if anyone wants a new in box Aerial FreeRide Tower in Black.

Sorry to hear you sold your boat! Where is the tower located and how much!
In Orlando FL. Asking 1400. 00

Does it come with the tow point light, and racks or any other options?

Do you know if the black is paint or powder coat?
I finally received my Freeride tower. Bad part is I sold my boat a few days after it arrived. So I am selling the tower if anyone wants a new in box Aerial FreeRide Tower in Black.
Writing my pm soon...
Writing my pm soon...

You should buy it before I get too tempted! I want a tower but I know that adding one will mean that my boat no longer fits in my garage. So please buy it!
Lol message sent!
I was assured that I could mountv the tower how I want to by the manufacturer. the pictures previously and in this thread and others of this tower on a SS basically have the tower too far back. I want to move the tower slightly more forward and lower on the hall which brings the mounting points a little bit on to the side. the manufacturer contacted me and showed me the full diagrams with measurements and reassured me that from my boat I can do that.my wife holds the funds for this so I need to talk to her as well. I would still have some cash left over to throw at the bimini to. I don't like the look of the stock Bimini underneath the tower. it just seems mismatched.
This can be side mounted or on top of transom mounted. I was going to mount it more forward also.SX210_Black lower.jpg