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PSA re:Kneeboarding w/kids. . . . .


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Almost had a heart attack earlier today:

After learning to get up yesterday, and having a great time (around 12-14mph) pulling my 6yr old on a kneeboard we decided to go again this a.m.

My wife was driving and I was giving instruction from the swim platform.

Lake was quiet and not a boat in sight, perfect time to instruct the little guys.

Everything was going great. . . .

Right up until he fell over. . . and the board went upside down and he just could not get out from the strap across his legs. . . . . His life jacket was popping him to the surface, but everytime he struggled to get free he would go under.

While we didn't panic (it was hard not to watching him struggle) we did have a a momentary lapse in communication that had the potential for disaster. I told my wife to "punch it, get back to him". She didn't understand what I was talking about and it took what was probably only few seconds to get what I was saying (it felt like 10 lifetimes).

She realized what I meant and more importantly WHY I said it and came about quickly.

He was eventually able to get free on his own but was visibly shaken, as were we.

The takeaways for us after this are:

Be sure both driver and spotter discuss how to ensure clear concise communication for watersports with previously determined keywords for a dangerous situation like this.

Make sure the driver knows how to avoid the rope and get back to the downed individuals. (My wife and I are always hyperaware of the rope and this was not an issue today) You can't get back to someone quickly in an emergency situation of you have a rope wrapped up in your impeller.

Specific to kneeboarding. . . If you are using the leg strap. . . Practice getting out of it at the dock before hooking it up to the boat.

(We will be removing the strap altogether)

Today could have ended very badly for us. My greatest hope is that this helps inform our membership so no one else has to go through what we did this a.m.
Unless their jumping the strap isn't really needed
I have some that want to cinch it tight and try to tell them otherwise

I'm glad to hear it turned out ok and it's just another example of how dangerous boating can be and how preparation can help mitigate them
Unless their jumping the strap isn't really needed

We already removed it completely, and switched to surfing the rest of the day. . . . . . I think we were more shaken up then he was.
I had the same knee boarding experience when I was a kid. My recommendation is little kids should not use the strap.
When I was teaching my kids I put them on the swim platform and had them practice the motions of reaching for the strap to pull off the Velcro. I told them if you go under this is the first thing you do so you can slip out. So far so good but I know in a panic sometimes you forget those things, so practice, practice, practice.

Also, when the girls or anyone want to stop I have them tell me to cut it and before I do they release the strap AND THEN I stop. This allows them to get out completely and easily by the time they stop.

But I agree, unless you are doing serious jumps I don't think you need the straps on. Or at least just have them on loosely.

Glad to hear your boy is ok @0627Devildog