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Recommendations on starter kneeboard and wakeboard

I have an older version (circa 2002) of this one
It didn't have the cheater device, so a friend of mine 3D printed one and I installed it. The kneeboard is easy to do spins on and cuts nicely with the fins down. Fins can be put up or down while your going. Here is version 1.0 of the cheater device. He made me a better one, version 1.1, that is a little smoother and dyed red.20150807_165234.jpg
@jetboater4life I've been oggling that one for a while now, but want to get more time on the Versa before pulling the trigger on that.

Initial thoughts on the Versa based on one outing with it configured as a kneeboard (handles on the side):

The Versa is great for people who've never been on a board. As a kneeboard, it worked, but it really needs a strap. I was repeatedly attempting to re-position myself once in the kneeboard squat, which is nearly impossible to do. Because there's no strap, you will move around on it a little and it severely restricts what you can do. It has retractable fins, which I prefer down. Without them, it tends to just slide around on top of the water and it's difficult to get it to cut into any kind of turn or to climb a wake. With them, I have a bit more control and can get little hops over a wake easily. I will say that NOT having a knee strap means that get-offs are much more forgiving. There were none of the "face full of water" or "flying limbs as you do the rag doll tumble". I managed to keep a cheap pair of sunglasses on through three crashes with no problem.

My friend has never been on a board (or tube, or anything similar). He hopped on, used the cheater hook and just held on while I did laps around the bay. He had an abosolute blast and his shoulders weren't even close to as sore as mine were the next day. For newbs, this is great. We expect his 7 year old will attempt it next time and probably do just as well. I'll post up more thoughts in a few weeks after I get some time on it in Wakeboard or Surf configurations.