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Replacing Plate #2 Fiber Glass repair Spinning bolt inserts


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I am looking for thoughts/Ideas on how to approach this

I have a fairly decent leak in my 2012 Yamaha 242 LS, after some investigation, I discovered the leak is coming from the "skid" plates under the jet units ( Yamaha part number #F2D-U273B-00-00, #32 in the schematic) . So i bought the plates and new hardware. However when I went to remove the bolts they a not coming out and I can tell the threaded inserts are spinning.

Now this is probably the most in accessible place to get to. So I am figuring that i will have to cut the bolts off and remove the inserts. Fortunately the plates have large enough gaps that i can cut them off without harming the FG.

I am pretty good at fixing FG, but all my experience is above the water line, or on cars, and the area appears to be inaccessible from behind to put something structural behind it

I was thinking about cutting the out with a hole saw and filing the entire inside space with a reinforced/structural fiberglass and then setting the threaded once everything hardens

What are your thoughts?
