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Ribbon Delete installation issues


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Hi all,
Very new to boating. Moved to FL this year and decided to do the FL thing and buy a boat. Too hot to ride my dirt bikes so why not?
We ended up buying a 2014 yamaha sx190 for the wife, kids and I to enjoy the FL panhandle. I'm fairly good with engines of all kinds, so the first mod I wanted to do was the ribbon delete. Pretty straight forward on this boat so I had full confidence. That was until I got to the intake manifold spacer(last step before reaching the ribbon). First bolt came out just fine. The other 3, well the little circular retainer(this is the stupidest design I've ever seen on an engine) broke free and now I have 3 bolts/retainers just spinning. I think I can get the top one out with some effort but I can't get to the bottom ones. Anyone have this happen? Suggestions? I'm pretty sure I used too much torque and that's why the retainers broke free. Am I screwed or is there a fix aside from taking it into a yamaha dealer and completely replacing the whole intake manifold?