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Scarab 195 Ho impulse error code

Scott B

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I have a 2014 195 Ho impulse. Bought new last year, I have 37 hours on it and have loved it so far. Just cruising along today and then it sounds like an exhaust leak or vacuum leak of some sort started. I Lost Hp, engine light came on and now getting a fault 137. Any ideas where to look? Quick look over showed nothing loose or disconnected hose. Anybody know what the error indicates?
Here is something I put together over the time that I have been on this site. @ScarabMike I don't seem to have P0137 on the code list. Any ideas??


I also just noticed a 2nd fault code of p 130 along with p137
P0137 OBD-II Trouble Code. Technical Description. Oxygen O2 Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
P0130 - 02 Sensor Circuit Malfunction

Check your o2 sensors and connections on the exhaust. Check the exhaust hoses, check the MAF sensor by the intake, also take off the engine cover, and make sure all connections are snug. Some dealers try to connect to the 02 connector instead of the diagnostic connector on the fuse block.
Since it's still under warranty I took it to the dealer. They found the post Cat O2 sensor blew completely off the exhaust. Not sure how that happened and he said he's never seen that before. He is working with Brp engineering to determine root cause and on getting the parts and warranty info. He was curious about the winterization process and I told him the exact steps I followed (posted on this site) and Scarab emailed me directions too. I'm confident the winterization had nothing to do with it since I've already had it out 3 times this year and it ran great. My guess is the sensor was installed too tight or not tight enough and vibrated loose. I've had several other bolts come loose already In the first 30 hrs. (seats, speakers, wakeboard tower)

Thanks for the info and I'll keep you updated. This better be covered under warranty or I may have buyers remorse.
Interesting as P0137 is a fault related to Post Cat O2 while P0130 seems to be a fault related to Pre Cat O2.
Do you think it got loose & unscrewed it self, or did the thread pulled off the pipe?
@ScarabMike : There is no MAF (Mass Air Flow) sensor in the Rotax Engine Management System, are you referring at the throttle body?
Not sure how it came off he didn't specify. Just said it "blew off"
@JetTech72 No, the pressure sensor located on the manifold. The clip fragile. It houses the Rotax version of a flame arrestor underneath.

@Scott B Glad its been taken care of. That exhaust system has been completely redesigned on the new ACE engines. The big ol cat is nothing but a massive obstruction in my opinion.
@ScarabMike yep the MAP sensor in the plenum, I got confused about MAF reference. The MAP on those Rotax is normally pretty reliable & wouldn't throw an O2 sensor faults.
I agree about the Rotax ACE 300 exhaust being redesigned, but I doubt it would meet the same emission regulation level as the current Rotax 4Tec 250 with Catalytic Converter & O2 sensors (CARB 4Stars). You normally have 4 to 5 times less CO with catalytic converters exhaust, pretty significant.
How do you like your 300 powerpack?
@JetTech72 Its absolutely sex on the water! Incredible speed, smooth, and very efficient. So far 30 hours of non stop fun. Im actually waiting for the NA version to come out for the GTI to buy a second ski for the wife.