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Securing swim deck ballast bag

We have an AR210 with one of those bags in the pole building. I should fill that with air and put it on our 242 swimdeck to see. But my guess is if someone used the 21' bag on a 24, the weight balance would allow that thing to roll off the platform easily. Could it have been possible that they bought the wrong bag?

FLYCRG, did you buy your bag new or used? Many have bought their bag used, and possibly didn't look at the model. And just "the one designed for a yamaha"

It was new from from amazon and was "FATSAC Yamaha Jet Boat Custom 24-800 Pound Ballast Bag ". The replacement showed up on Monday and its is still in it packaging. I never noticed it sitting poorly in the past and unfortunately can't check out the old one anymore. On to the new one.
We got tired of filling and draining for goofy to regular sides. So, I'm playing around with the steel shots bags from side to side.. a lot easier and faster.

I had given thought to going with steel shot for ballast but the thought of trailering and cruising the lake with another 800lbs all day doesn't sound appealing. In addition to the former (a new replacement) rear bag, I have 10, 30 liter dry bags that we'll fill up while getting the big ballast going. This ballast gets moved around the boat as needed. Each bag is around 45lbs. After the transom bag took its swim, we put the filled dry bags on the swim deck all tied up and it filled in decently. No ropeless runs but still a fun time.
I fill mine with and then then secure it to the boat using motorcycle straps. I added an extra tie point (with backing) above my normal tow hook. And I go through and around the black handles to keep the bag from shifting or moving.
The kleat leaks water into the boat so the bilge runs once in a while. And I use the motorcycle loop, because if you put all the straps on the kleat it makes the wave splash weird.
Also I have moved my gas vent higher, and have port and starboard 800lb bags on an push button hidden pump and plumbing system.


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