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Shower curtain boat cover installed!


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So here it is. There is a drawstring around the bottom that you unclip. Undo the zipper. It has a pulley and strings to get that done. It gets hung up on rocket launchers and it looks like it’s just easiest to climb up in boat and push it around them and up to the bow where it is in 1 picture. I have to climb in there anyway to unplug power. Then just pull it around and tie to post. First time took me 10 minutes I’m sure it will get quicker.

Putting it on took 15 minutes complicated by 15-20 mph winds. It’s a pretty big sail. I finally figured to put the line thru it to the starboard bow cleat to hold it against the wind and it went better after that. Reverse of taking off I walked it back most of the way on the boat, hooked up power and hopped off stern.

Looks to me like weak spots that might be future problem would be the zipper and the wheels up in the track but right now it sure works fine.

As a side note they sell a free standing frame so that it could be used on dock that doesn’t have a roof

