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Slingshot Big Idrodisc

We like ours, haven't actually towed with it yet though. It's a great platform for lounging around behind the boat. If you have any other high-pressure inflatables (we carry a SUP with us), I can't recommend an automatic pump any more. Plug it in, press the button, and its done and at the right pressure in a couple minutes.

What pump did you get? Finding a good storage spot for the big one is starting to frustrate me... it always seems to be in the way...
I can't find the one that I bought anymore, but I've seen this fairly well reviewed around here: 12V Portable Air Pump Sevylor SUP and Water Sport Electric Pump High Pressure | eBay
Any idea if that will deflate it as well? Getting it folded back up isn't a huge ordeal, but if I could get it nice and flat before I began the folding process that would certainly help.

@J-RAD any chance you can reach out to Slingshot and ask about the long term effects of folding up a disk? I'm folding it in 4th's to form a long thin shape, then folding that shape into 3rd's. Once I have it packed down that tight, I throw the included nylon webbing strap around it to hold it in place. It packs down quite nicely. I really just want to make sure I'm not tearing anything up internally with this folding pattern. Any thoughts?
Not sure that it deflates (mine doesn't). You know you can lock open the valve to ease in deflating? (Push in and turn the yellow bit). Never have an issue getting my disk or SUP flat.
Not sure that it deflates (mine doesn't). You know you can lock open the valve to ease in deflating? (Push in and turn the yellow bit). Never have an issue getting my disk or SUP flat.
Yea I found the locking valve feature the hard way. Had it completely blown up by hand and took the hose off the hand pump and it just blew all that hard work right back in my face. Got a good laugh from the wife too as I cursed a busted valve initially, then realized it was a feature not a problem.

I check it every time before I inflate now.
Any idea if that will deflate it as well? Getting it folded back up isn't a huge ordeal, but if I could get it nice and flat before I began the folding process that would certainly help.

@J-RAD any chance you can reach out to Slingshot and ask about the long term effects of folding up a disk? I'm folding it in 4th's to form a long thin shape, then folding that shape into 3rd's. Once I have it packed down that tight, I throw the included nylon webbing strap around it to hold it in place. It packs down quite nicely. I really just want to make sure I'm not tearing anything up internally with this folding pattern. Any thoughts?
It doesn't sound like Slingshot has any official recommendation. Other than fold the soft side to the inside. In my research of it all I found this video of the HO RAD being folded at 1:35.
Undoubtedly over extended use there's bound to be some wear of the EVA padding... I don't have much knowledge as to what to expect looking term.
Used ours twice now, filled it up yesterday and a few minutes later a seam burst. Going to have to call Slingshot for a replacement tomorrow.
Used ours twice now, filled it up yesterday and a few minutes later a seam burst. Going to have to call Slingshot for a replacement tomorrow.

Man that sucks.

How much pressure did you have in it? I've been filling mine to around 10-11psi or so with no ill effects. been using it pretty regularly once a week since the season started.

My upper body is looking great this season as well from all the hand inflation pump usage. Starting to get where I'm not winded when inflating either. Not the workout I wanted, but probably the workout I deserved!
Bummer, it’s out of stock and they aren’t manufacturing anymore, so no more iDrodisk fun for our family.
Bummer, it’s out of stock and they aren’t manufacturing anymore, so no more iDrodisk fun for our family.
Won't let you send it in for a repair?

In my best Sally Fields Voice - "Surely something must can be done?"

Took the big disc out on Saturday afternoon. Found a cut/tear in the EVA foam padding on the top. Looks like it's separating right where the seam between colors is. Once inflated it was not visible at all, and I don't see any other symptoms other than appearance when deflated.

For reference I had been folding it into 4th, foam side out. Then into 3rd from there. This allowed the valve to remain on the "outside" of folding and continue to let air out as it was folded.

Torn Disc-1.jpg

Torn Disc-2.jpg

Guess I'm going to have to find a better way to store it than folding. Perhaps a roll of some sort? Not really sure how to deal with it. Left it on the neighbhors boat when we headed home on Saturday evening. We'll figure it out next weekend I'm sure.