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Universal GoPro Wakeboard Rope Mou

I got to try it out for a few minutes yesterday. The back story being that I dropped one of the three tube valves into the tube as I was going to inflate the tube a little more before riding it so we deflated the backrest balloon and took it for a spin with only two of the three air bladders filled with air.

The general assessment is that the mount worked but needs to be refined a little. First I will add some pool noodle foam between the rope and the mount to reduce the rotation. Second, I need to move the mount up the rope (towards the boat) another five feet or so. Third and finally, I need to put a bigger stop/tie a double knot in front of the mount to keep it from sliding toward the tube.

Here is a short from yesterday's trip to Lake Berryessa. Mount testing starts at about the one minute mark.

image.jpg image.jpg I have had the same issue with the rocking motion. Here is my attempt this weekend, I put a gopro mount on the plastic cup once we got out to the boat. I was able to get some good pictures.