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Waiver form?

I disagree, my mom picked my friends when I was a teenager and made sure I had no say in the matter. The ones she let me hang out with are successful now. The ones whom she did not, are either in jail or drug addicts. Even though I hated it back then and at times was really defiant about it, I really can't argue with it now that the results are out.
Yea, I think that there are situations where it works or families that can pull that off. Some kids just rebel ever more when you try to do this with them. Having a good heart to heart talk with my kids about the importance of having good friends is what I plan to do, and have done to some extent.

I've thought about this thread a lot and appreciate all the comments above (especially from the lawyers). I don't think I'm going to make people sign a form. I may get some ready and have them in the boat just in case I get into a strange situation where it may be appropriate, but for the most part I'll rely on my Umbrella policy.