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Wake Surfing

@paratrooper39 . I'm guessing about 1100 lbs but spencer at wakemakers can give you a more accurate weight.
@paratrooper39 you will not be able to or need to run as much weight as Bobbie. Bigger boats need more weight. SX210owner and I went ropeless behind a 190 series boat with a 750 lb bag on the surf side seat. That's about all that 190 wanted as well. You have a little advantage being you have a super charger but a disadvantage being that we have 2 pumps.
@bobbie that is a two engine boat, right? What rpm are you running each engine at...is it the same for each engine or do you run the surf side engine lower? Do you have perfect pass?
With an AR230 I run about 7000 RPM empty and 8000 fully ballasted with 2400lbs. Both engines same RPM. I have a perfect pass. Cam.
With an AR230 I run about 7000 RPM empty and 8000 fully ballasted with 2400lbs. Both engines same RPM. I have a perfect pass. Cam.

@KXCam22 does your wake look like @bobbie 's wake with your set up? Also, did you install perfect pass yourself? I'm thinking of getting it this year as part of the group buy - if it happens.
The perfect pass is easy to install and the instructions are pretty good. I am still tuning my wake. Plan to use an 800 lb on the surf side instead on my 400 lb and store the stuff under the seat somewhere else. Cam.
@Scuba_ref sorry..didn't see your question. But each bag is about 1100 lbs. we fill surf side plus always have a 450 bag centered on the swim deck. As far as rpm's...if I recall from the summer we run about 6000. Most of the time the engines run about the same rpm with perfect pass doing all the work.