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Wake wedge

When we were prototyping the Wake Wedge any length less then what ended up with concerning the flap didn't push the water over far enough to clean up the wake. I have also thought about doing this but I didn't really see a benefit. At wake boarding speed the wedges do not hit the jet blast to knock it down. Switch across the wake is out because your boat would have to switch listed sides quickly. On another thread we are currently prototyping a universal wedge that can be flipped easily. I am waiting on the machine shop to build my parts so myself and @ar240owner can stress test before we release to the public. Currently you could have one flap parallel and the other in surf position to have them both mounted, and then just flip flop for the other rider.

One piece wedge design we do not do anymore. Not enough interest to justify getting a bulk amount made.
When we were prototyping the Wake Wedge any length less then what ended up with concerning the flap didn't push the water over far enough to clean up the wake. I have also thought about doing this but I didn't really see a benefit. At wake boarding speed the wedges do not hit the jet blast to knock it down. Switch across the wake is out because your boat would have to switch listed sides quickly. On another thread we are currently prototyping a universal wedge that can be flipped easily. I am waiting on the machine shop to build my parts so myself and @ar240owner can stress test before we release to the public. Currently you could have one flap parallel and the other in surf position to have them both mounted, and then just flip flop for the other rider.

One piece wedge design we do not do anymore. Not enough interest to justify getting a bulk amount made.

We have two wedges and don't see the benefit in having them both mounted (1 up and 1 down on surfside). The biggest PITA is switching ballast over. While doing that it's a good time to just take off a wedge and put on the one for the other side.
We have two wedges and don't see the benefit in having them both mounted (1 up and 1 down on surfside). The biggest PITA is switching ballast over. While doing that it's a good time to just take off a wedge and put on the one for the other side.
Ok, thank you both @scokill and @jcyamaharider for the info. That is super helpful. I am happy to know that you tried different lengths and had at least a similar thought to mine ;)

I am hoping to see the new universal wedge you are making soon! Very excited about that. Having one less thing to store on the boat is a huge plus for me, because a lot of the time I have 8-10 people in the boat and everyone thinks they need to bring a bag with them :)