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We tried the wakebooster yesterday on my 2017 242x e-series - HUGE difference. If you can get one, I highly reccommend it. We had a massive and clean wave - all ballast full and 8 people on board. Move people up front to help the boat plane out and make the wake longer and cleaner. I am thrilled that I no longer need extra fat sac ballast because its a pain in the ass. We are learning to wake surf so we are not good, but in the video you will see the wake is awesome! This is with all Ballast 100%, one driver, two people on the swim platform and 4 people up front. The wake booster is on the stabbord side and throws an amazing wake!
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We tried the wakebooster yesterday on my 2017 242x e-series - HUGE difference. If you can get one, I highly reccommend it. We had a massive and clean wave - all ballast full and 8 people on board. Move people up front to help the boat plane out and make the wake longer and cleaner. I am thrilled that I no longer need extra fat sac ballast because its a pain in the ass. We are learning to wake surf so we are not good, but in the video you will see the wake is awesome! This is with all Ballast 100%, one driver, two people on the swim platform and 4 people up front. The wake booster is on the stabbord side and throws an amazing wake!

Curious to see the wave but I don't see a video link?
We tried the wakebooster yesterday on my 2017 242x e-series - HUGE difference. If you can get one, I highly reccommend it. We had a massive and clean wave - all ballast full and 8 people on board. Move people up front to help the boat plane out and make the wake longer and cleaner. I am thrilled that I no longer need extra fat sac ballast because its a pain in the ass. We are learning to wake surf so we are not good, but in the video you will see the wake is awesome! This is with all Ballast 100%, one driver, two people on the swim platform and 4 people up front. The wake booster is on the stabbord side and throws an amazing wake!
Great looking wake! Making the kid earn his stripes from the start by riding heel side...
We just got ours and installed on our ar240. We had 6 people in the boat, and only 400 lbs of ballast in the back compartment. UNREAL! We all surfed with ease on a great wake. I am stoked about it, and cancelled my order for a new Centurion, saving me 139k:) Great product
We just got ours and installed on our ar240. We had 6 people in the boat, and only 400 lbs of ballast in the back compartment. UNREAL! We all surfed with ease on a great wake. I am stoked about it, and cancelled my order for a new Centurion, saving me 139k:) Great product
Only 400# of ballast

My best surf this weekend using the Wakebooster behind my Yamaha 242. Who says you can’t surf behind a jet boat!
Hey! That's awesome surfing. I need the setup - same boat. I have the wakebooster kit... Can you tell me your ballast settings - added ballast etc., speed, depth of water, how much total weight on boat? Sorry, so many questions - best wake I have have seen yet! Awesome.
Hey! That's awesome surfing. I need the setup - same boat. I have the wakebooster kit... Can you tell me your ballast settings - added ballast etc., speed, depth of water, how much total weight on boat? Sorry, so many questions - best wake I have have seen yet! Awesome.
Sorry, just saw your earlier post with most answers - are you in deep water? and about how fast do you think?
Sorry, just saw your earlier post with most answers - are you in deep water? and about how fast do you think?
Sorry, I missed this - we are in shallow water - and that could be an issue, I am thinking now - it's about 5' - 6' and we have basically tried all speeds. We also only have a couple people in the boat - so not so much human ballast...