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Wakesurf - what acceleration speed and a ballast question

@swatski How much ballast are you running and where? Just received the custom transom bag and plan on trying everything out at lake this week. Just looking for a good starting point. I have the wakewedge, transom bag, and 2400 lbs of other bags. Surf regular. Thanks.

All we used was the transom bag and the ski locker bag about 700 pounds.
@swatski How much ballast are you running and where? Just received the custom transom bag and plan on trying everything out at lake this week. Just looking for a good starting point. I have the wakewedge, transom bag, and 2400 lbs of other bags. Surf regular. Thanks.
Sorry for late response!
What Jerry said... We ONLY had the swim deck bag (filled to capacity) and my center locker 800lbs (not filled to capacity as it folded wrong/w/air trapped).
(Oh, and don't forget two phat guys and a couple kids inside the boat, lol.)

I was surprised!
Also - super happy, as that makes the setup really easy and fast!

A couple extra points/tips:
  1. When I thought I had the new custom swim deck bag filled to capacity... Jerry showed me what the full capacity really meant... it was easily another 100lbs extra; so, fill that baby up until it starts to stretch!
  2. I have the air release plug on top and fill from the bottom, works well. Quick release at the bottom (plus reversible pump) to drain fast. I keep the boat running at high idle to keep the voltages up - makes a big difference in pump speeds.
  3. Wake wedge angle needs to be very modest; I think I had it cranked only two full turns of the turnbuckle from the dead-stop flat-out.
  4. Speed was a bit faster than what I was doing before - about 10.8mph worked best (RideSteady).
  5. I may or may not sell the other bags - I have plumbed in the rear compartments, as those may come in handy w/light loads; but those are certainly not critical! turns out...
Keep us posted!
@jcyamaharider rocks!

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I think my problem was slow acceleration. We have had some crappy weather here in Rochester and timing issues with getting everyone out again. I'll update our progress when we try again...

Thanks for all of the comments, they really helped.