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Wakesurf with stock boat?

@Bnsknnr I have used a Wake Wedge on my boat for years. It absolutely makes a difference. The newer 212X you have will also benefit from one. Yamaha has not done anything to make them surf better yet.
Somehow just got started looking into surfing behind my AR190 again.
Came across the Yamaha Wake Booster and somehow landed here again ;)

What kind of bag or dimensions is the ski locker bag? Is the ski locker smaller on a AR190 compared to a 212 or 242?
I'd like to put one into my ski locker, also for wakeboarding.
And then get the custom swim platform bag.

So, ideally, both should work with the same pump.
Anybody with a suggestion for ski locker bag?
Will go to the Detroit Boat show today and will compare sizes of ski lockers of the 190 vs 210 and 240
You don't need to go ropeless to have fun. I have fun in an ar230 with no ballast. No issues tubing either. Wakeboarding is allways more fun as long as the water is calm. The only time i would surf is if the water is rough or I'm tired and lazy.
I measured at the boat show and the 190 does have a smaller ski locker compared to the bigger ones. Around 1 inch narrower and quite a bit shorter.
One of those long sacks should still fit, will not be able to fill complete, but at least 3/4 I would guess