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  • Please read the Classified Ads Posting Rules before Posting something for Sale!

    Boats MUST LIST A LOCATION (State)IN THE TITLE (Seems people can't read lately)-along with Make/Model/Year

Bargains What A Deal!!!! <Post up Bargains Here>

Anyone interested in 4K/UHD or regular blu-ray discs should pull up www.blu-ray.com frequently today. They have a feature tracking pop-up disc sales (mostly amazon) that are rolling on and off throughout the day. Many real movies you might actually want: 4K/UHD discs at $9.99 - $14.99, blu-ray discs from $6.99 - $12.99. Smattering of 3D blu-rays, too.
Not sure specifically which link you are referring to for headphones but the Bose link posted are for "wired" headphones and the Beats solo 3 you are talking about are probably wireless.
Great price on some great boat shoes-


5% cashback if you use ebates as well. And if you dont, you should. And you should sign up with my link :p


Ive been using it 2 years? now. Gotten $217 back thus far, I've earned $55 just the last 2 days buying nothing I wouldn't have bought anyway. And I think you get $10 free to sign up. Win-win.
I buy thousands of dollars of merch weekly at work but it seems like everything I’m buying isn’t on Ebates or there are exceptions to the actual product. I gave up...
I just gave my wife your link to sign up and look into it. Free money is cool by me
Looks like $20 is the going rate on these now.
20180108_053147.jpg saw this at costco and thought it may fit my boat spot. The one i bought is under recall, so the replacement will be super reassuring. It will be a couple weeks before i see my boat but if it doesn't fit i will pit in my kitchen. We do have a fireplace and while i have the old boat one in the garage, it would be smart to have one closer to the fireplace. It was like $9 i think.
@Speedling Looking forward to hear if it fits (I'm skeptical because even if the diameter is ok, the nozzle appears to sick out further). So frustrating that a safety item is recalled and the replacement doesn't fit (boat or jet ski)!
Ps- Anyone want to invest in a compact fire extinguisher startup company? ;)
I haven’t had the best of luck with harbor freight, so I’m always skeptical of some of their pricing deals. Had a lousy experience with an adjustable hole saw (which looking back on it is just a bad idea all the way around, and maybe not their fault) but I got soured on them. :)

Bought one with a similar deal a while ago after looking long and hard at the alternatives (PC, Griot, Flex, Dewalt) but in the end: next best (yeah, probably better, more durable) choice is at least 2x the price. I use it once, maybe twice a year. Not great, heavy, but for the price if it dies after 3 or 4 uses I figure I'm still way ahead!
"Harbor Freight, Quality Tools at Ridiculously Low Prices".
I have the polisher. Works good so far, did my research, a lot of guys on the detail forums say to get it or go with the $300 porter cable. As little as I use it, it was a no brainer.
I have the regular polisher, not the D/A. As mentioned above, I don't use it that often either but it works great! Use the correct pads and compound and you'll be fine. Wool for cutting, foam for polishing.


PS: Put blankets or towels on the trailer, wear an apron and eye protection, and do it in the grass if you don't want compound and wax all over your driveway and trailer.
IIRC, they reccomend getting a new base plate and to not use the HF pads. Get some good pads off amazon.