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Yamaha matt replacement

David Martin

Jet Boat Junkie
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Hey guys thought I would put this out on the replacement of the back matt...............I first started with a heat gun.....it took a hour to remove a couple of inches.....not good. I then switch too Goo Gone adhesives remover ..........I sprayed half of the deck/sloppy wet and let it soak for 15min....a second wet coat another 15 min soak and pealed up the edge with a putty knife and started to pull by hand...........well a picture is worth a thousand words 45min later and both sides are off in one piece.

It is a 2 person job as I pulled she sprayed Goo Gone on the back side at the seam..........man I cant believe how well this worked.

45min later........ and I scraped the glue off with a 1 inch chisel that (I dulled on a grinder), just dull enough not to cause damage the gel coat but it still had a good edge on the chisel......it pealed off in rubbery balls. Cleaned the gel coat off with Alcohol and had the new deck on in about 30 min. Total time just under 4 hour.

I will start the clean out hatch soon as I know longer fear this PIA job. The other pieces the front anchor hatch took so long last year I put off the whole job far to long.

Hope this helps a little

PS maybe some day I'll learn to edit video which would help explain it better than just words and picts.

