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Your questions re: pump size, hp, speed


Jetboaters Captain
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Lake Nokomis Wis
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You're exactly right. If these pumps are working at thier peak efficiency, adding more power is not going to make an appreciable difference in performance. You also have to remember that or very mph that you go faster. The forces working against the boat are multiplied i.e. wind resistance,water resistance, etc.. That is part of the reason, for example, why a top fuel dragster has to run 10,000 hp and look the way they do to overcome these forces and run 300+ mph. I would venture a guess that from just a wind resistance standpoint. A boat without a tower would be ever so slightly faster than one with a tower. More than likely only tenths of a mph, but still faster. The only way that I can see that a large jump in speed can be achieved is by changing the pump. As hp increases (increased velocity), pump size must increase (volume of water). The sad part is as boat size increases. The hp and pump size must increase as well. Just to keep pace with the smaller package. Eventually you end up with something like this. View attachment 14589 :D
That's an oompa loompa mechanic, isn't it? Or, this is definitely an Area 51 type mod for a Yamaha.