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  1. C

    MR1 Top Speed and RPM limited to low 9k: AR230 and 05 FX HO

    I'm trying to get to the bottom of some performance reductions in both my 07 AR230, and my two 05 FX HO's (All with the MR1 motors). Any help is much appreciated! Thank you. No warning lights on any of them. '07 AR230, 400hrs 15hrs since oil, plugs service - Just had a service by the dealer...
  2. Y

    Home made air box/ intake modification custom ... 2013 SX240

    Ok .. so I have decided to modify my air intake system , and im not talking about ordering the cookie cutter riva cones or pleniums filters / k/n or.... ribbon delete ( which i already have ) ... i have custom engineered 2 different designs that i have thought up and am about to embark on .. i...
  3. 2kwik4u

    Water washing over the rear platform - I finally found my test videos from 2018

    A few years ago I got into a pretty good debate with some folks on here about how much water did or did not wash over the rear swim platform. Some were convinced that it was SOAKED, and some were convinced that it was DRY. I remember where I stood, but it doesn't matter now (arguably didn't...