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  1. C

    I know some of you enjoy cigars - share!

    ...them at a factory and also at a demonstration in Varadaro a few years back. Brought back boxes many times to pair with Talisker, Abelour A'BUNADH Batch #9, Dalwhinnie, Cardhu and a favourite Pappy VW form long ago - no, not Buffalo Trace modern! Great cigars and scotches were made for each...
  2. PJ73

    Home air conditioner.

    ...Some say "X" company, others say "Y", it's like searching online. I would go to one site that says "Lennox is the best" and lists Trane at #9, while another says "Trane is the best" and lists Diakin right behind it... It's insane. It's an absolute crap-shoot. The constant I hear is "it's...