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Usage for hash tag: Werks

  1. 14SX190

    Milky oil

    Do you have the 1.8? I had cracked head. Never heard of small displacement one cracking but two have had problems with EM corrosion leading to milky oil. I think #Werks has pictures on it Taking EM is doable.
  2. 14SX190

    Part 4 Engine Reassembly To End Milky Oil

    update Plugs look good for 1Hr. @ #Werks, I tried performing leak down and readings on #1 and #2 @ their corresponding cam marks were green. When I tested TDC #1 it was green. Tested #4 it was Red When I tested TDC #2 it was green. Tested #3 it was Red. I don't know how to interpret that? I...
  3. 14SX190

    Part 4 Engine Reassembly To End Milky Oil

    ...Also, didn't theradond gasket half moon back. I am questioning his torquing HG at this point. Took him twice to do TC b/c he flipped cams. #Werks can I still try leak down with Intake off. This was my oil after 2 changes on water. Water was great and boat did its 40+mph at 7800 rpms...
  4. 14SX190

    Part 4 Engine Reassembly To End Milky Oil

    Thank You #Werks #tdonoughue From picture I posted and SM its clear its timed wrong. Intake cam mark should be closer to sprocket and exhaust towards back. Doohhh....