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Search results

  1. jacob37

    Slide Anchor Shore Spike vs West Marine Shore Anchor

    I have the slide anchor and it works very well. The big difference just by looking at the picture of the WM anchor is the lack of a loop on the top of the slide. I have a rope and a small marker float attached to mine so people around me know where it is and don’t have a bad day and trip on it...
  2. jacob37

    Sea-dek install

    One of my friends used a pressure washer and took everything off in minutes! Not sure if that is the safest way but it worked like a champ.
  3. jacob37

    Hello from Maryland

    I too do most of my boating in the upper Chesapeake. Put in on the Elk River and hang out mostly in one of three spots Ski Beach Bohemia, Lloyds Creek Sassafras, or the Islands up by the Susquehanna. Come say hello and have a cold beverage.
  4. jacob37

    Who cleans the boat after a day on the water?

    I wash before i go out and after i get back. I do not like being on a dirty boat. I use 303 spray religiously, used it on my last boat i had for 8 years and it keep it looking new. The SPF 50 really works and its not greasy at all! Actually when i sold my previous boat the guy who bought it...