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  1. James R Whitten


    @svana I think they changed the date last minute this year. If I remember right it was scheduled for late June and it got postponed. I'm definitely keeping my eye on it.
  2. James R Whitten

    Abacos 2023. Gauging interest.

    Yeah I'll keep it in mind. It's still a ways out. I'm trying to get my ducks in a row now.
  3. James R Whitten


    Yeah I was debating between going to Bimini again of abacos. I've been wanting to go to cheeseburger in paradise for a while. I'm hoping abacos is back to somewhat normalcy.
  4. James R Whitten


    I'm wanting to do a trip to abacos next year for the cheeseburger in paradise party. Has anyone been to abacos lately?
  5. James R Whitten

    Lake of the ozarks shootout

    Anyone gonna be on the lake if the ozarks for the shootout August 24th-28th?
  6. James R Whitten

    Bimini 2022

    Last year was pretty crazy. We had a few cross and made it. Im sure it was a roller coaster of a ride and I they had to refuel it remember right. But its definitely doable. Hell @Valerie and her crew of jetskis took that butt whooping and made it across.
  7. James R Whitten

    Bimini June 16th -19th 2022

    Wish I was going back. Had a blast last time.
  8. James R Whitten

    One picture of your last outing.

  9. James R Whitten

    One picture of your last outing.

    Got my new stern light.
  10. James R Whitten

    One picture of your last outing.

    Last picture I have.
  11. James R Whitten

    What Jetboat events & gatherings are being planned for 2022?

    I'll be at lake of the ozarks for the shootout at the end of August.
  12. James R Whitten

    Heading to Lake Conroe

    Yeah there's quite a bit of Yamaha jet boats. I generally don't go to the island it stays pretty rough over there. I normally go to party cove on the north end by scotts ridge. It's smoother there. Fajita Jack's ain't bad. The pizza at Pappas on the lake is awesome. The service kinda sucks though.
  13. James R Whitten

    Lake of the Ozarks

    I got a 34ft baja. I'll be there Aug 24-29th. But on Saturday and Sunday I'll be posted up watching the shootout.
  14. James R Whitten

    Heading to Lake Conroe

    If I'd known yall were heading out I'd met you somewhere. I was at party cove all weekend. But Sunday was rough. Ran the lake a little then put the boat back up my 34ft baja spent more time in the air than in the water.
  15. James R Whitten

    Bimini 2022

    I'm letting covid die down before I go again. Plus this year I'm gonna head to Lake of the Ozarks for the shootout. Plus that 24 hour drive hauling a 34ft boat kinda sucked.
  16. James R Whitten

    Lake of the Ozarks

    Was wondering if anyone goes to Lake of the Ozarks for the shootout? I plan on renting a house around Osage beach. Gonna take my Baja. What are some cool places to check out?
  17. James R Whitten

    2021 Bimini Photos

    I wish I would've gotten the footage of y'all coming off a wave standing the boat straight up in the air. That was crazy.
  18. James R Whitten

    2021 Bimini Photos

  19. James R Whitten

    2021 Bimini Photos

    Yeah I seen some of the 24s looked like they were to launch into orbit a few times.
  20. James R Whitten

    2021 Bimini Photos

    My cousin got those on her ankles as well.