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  1. Bruce

    2019 Bimini Christmas Toy Drive

    Every summer some of us enjoy a trip to the amazing blue waters of @Bimini. There are approximately 500 children who live on the islands. Most of their families have little income and even less access to stores to buy Christmas presents for their children. For the past six years the Vander Werf...
  2. Amar Nanduri

    Planning a Bimini run. How to check for weather?

    Hi @Bruce We are planning to do a Bimini run the coming weekend from Miami or Ft Lauderdale if the weather holds good. What apps do you recommend to check the weather and find out an optimal time for the crossing. Plan is to start either on Friday afternoon/evening or Saturday morning from...
  3. Bennie

    Safety equipment for a Bimini crossing

    Ok so we talk a lot about our mods and I've heard about some of the extras that you guys get for the Bimini crossing. (ie: tabs) Question is what safety (SHTF) equipment do you have/ suggest for the crossing? (Besides the already USCG required items) I've already purchased a handheld VHF...
  4. Bimini2016Ward1


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  5. Bimini2016Ward2


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  6. Bimini2016Ward3


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  7. Bimini2016Ward4


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  8. Bimini2016Ward5


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  9. Bimini2016Ward6


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  10. Bimini2016Ward7


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  11. Bimini2016Ward8


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  12. Bimini2016Ward9


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  13. Bimini2016Ward10


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  14. Bimini2016Ward11


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  15. Bimini2016Ward12


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  16. Bimini2016Ward13


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  17. Bimini2016Ward14


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  18. Bimini2016Ward1


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  19. Bimini2016Ward2


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling
  20. Bimini2016Ward3


    From the 2016 JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling