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  1. Cobra Jet Steering LLC


    https://jetboaters.net/threads/cobra-magnum-a-k-steering-with-fangs-mid-summer-special.14729/#post-260655 Since these also work on the 2017 21 foot boats I wanted to post a link to this sale here so no one misses it.
  2. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Finally the new web page is up and running REALLY !

    http://cobrajetsteering.com/ So now you can order the fangs and the vipers and all our products from the new web page.
  3. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    End Of Year SALE for MEMBERS ONLY "not a group buy" !

    https://jetboaters.net/threads/cobra-jet-steering-end-of-year-sale.11811/ more info on this thread https://jetboaters.net/threads/cobra-venom-fangs-now-available.8915/page-3
  4. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Cobra Jet Steering END of YEAR SALE !

    COBRA JET STEERING END OF YEAR SALE for members of JETBOATERS.NET This is not a group buy just a special for members of this web page as I promised. Ok so during the busy season people asked me if I was going to do a special on my Ultimate steering since I was offering a discount on the new...
  5. Cobra Jet Steering LLC

    Cobra Venom FANGS now available

    I now have the "FANGS" available for sale, they are not yet on my web page so you will need to email me directly. These are upgrades for the Ultimate and Magnum steering systems. If your side force stabilizers have the four holes this upgrade can be bolted on to your existing system. If you do...