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fsh 210

  1. jknapp

    Wet and Naughty! LOL Used 210 FSH Deluxe picked up today!

    I just picked up a 2020 Yamaha FSH 210 Deluxe today. Excited but overwhelmed by the by all the little things that need to be done and the other things that I want to do as upgrades. I feel pretty good about the mechanical, engine/hours, and hull integrity, for my new vessel & trailer after...
  2. SAA_Woodstock


    SOLD 2020 Yamaha FSH 210 Sport For Sale
  3. R

    Want To Buy Looking to buy yamaha 210 FSH

    Hey everyone, I'm looking to buy a used 210 FSH I'm in the Tampa, FL area, but willing to drive within FL to make the deal happen. If you're looking to sell, let me know!
  4. @justinhernandz

    Simrad GO12 on 2020 210 FSH Sport

    I finally pulled the trigger and got the GO12. I’ve got the unit in and below are some pictures. I’ll be doing the transducer next and will upload those pictures when I get my black starboard in. Enjoy!
  5. Timothy Pearch

    FSH 210 engine quit with only 4.5 hours

    I was running both engines at 5000 RPMs today and the starboard engine just shut down. It will not restart or even attempt to turn over. Any help on what the problem could be? I had no notice and everything had been working fine the two hours prior.
  6. Timothy Pearch

    New FSH 210. Need advice for first launch!

    Hello I’m new to jet boating. I’m a bass boater who just got a FSH 210. I’ve got to pick it up, launch it, and drive it to my marina on Lake Erie on Saturday. I’ve never driven a jet boat before!!! Can someone give me a quick ramp checklist and some advice on how I can successfully get...
  7. J

    So sad that FSH 190 or 210 can't be sold in California

    Anyone know the real reason why Yamaha didn't get the FSH 190 or 210 certified to be sold in California? I mean they basically use the same engine on other Yamaha boats and they're available in Cali. Really wanted a FSH, but now may have to settle for a Scarab 190 Open. Anyone know if Yamaha...