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fuel pump

  1. P

    Wiring harness connector issue at fuel pump

    2012 AR240: I had an issue the other night while out on the lake, boat ran great and after we stopped the starboard side engine just did not want to start, like it wasn't getting fuel. Fast forward to tracking down the culprit: the blue wire coming out of the connector at the top of the fuel...
  2. D

    New Member Question Gas Tank Replacement 2021 Yama FSH 190 Deluxe

    Hello Members - I have a 2021 Yamaha FSH 190 Deluxe that has a faulty fuel tank (one screw on fuel pump cross threaded into Kracor fuel tank). What is the method to repair or replace the Kracor fuel tank. Service repair at seller states that engine must be pulled to replace tank. I have less...
  3. ellj

    2016 AR192 won't start (and other problems :))

    Hi All! I've had a heck of a time with a new to me 2016 AR192. Scroll to bottom for current issue, or read on for full history. I started having issues where the boat would not get above ~6000 RPM and ~28 MPH at WOT. If the boat was full (8 people) it would not get more than ~13 MPH and 6000...
  4. kaylix

    Fuel Line Configuration - 175 XR2

    I removed and cleaned the fuel pump and bought a new diaphram kit. The new kit, from Mercury Marine with manual dated 1999. Also, I am changing fuel lines and installing a new electric fuel pump (the old one was disconnected from the engine). Here are my questions: 1. The Diaphram kit did not...
  5. Thomas Smith

    Engine Performance Issue, please help!

    Ok, I am at a loss with this one here is the scenario............. Have used my boat multiple times the past several weeks, just returned from a trip on the Columbia River ran it lots and lots with no issues. Spark Plugs changed, oil changed (and changed correctly). I am the original owner of...