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yamaha 242 limited s e series

  1. JB Nonamé

    Installation of larger fuel tank on a 2020 242LimitedSE

    Has anyone looked into installing a larger fuel tank into a Yamaha 242 Limited S? Comes standard with a 50 gal fuel tank, but I wonder if it could safely accomodate a larger tank. Especially since the 2021's have 70 gal tanks and up. The 2021 Yamaha 255's are pretty close to the same size as...
  2. Jbalance

    Completed 2019 Yamaha 242 limited SE with 10hrs only For Sale in Kissimmee Florida

    For Sale a 2019 Yamaha 242 limited S-E Series jet boat with less then 10 hrs. Brand New. Call and I can discuss price 407-436-5660 Julio
  3. Jb7


    Statue of Liberty
  4. JerseyYami

    Looking to purchase a new Yamaha 242 Limited S E

    I’m selling my SeaRay and seriously looking at a new Yamaha 242 Limited SE. I’m looking for tips, advice and must haves to purchase such as cover etc...Any advise from anyone that ownes one will be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
  5. Shark Sugar

    2018 yamaha 242 limited s e series release?

    So I'm in the market for a new boat and I'm curious if anyone knows when yamaha releases the 2018 models? I don't know if I should hold off to see what yamaha has to offer for the upcoming year. So if anyone knows when the new line comes out that would be a great. Thank you