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2019 Release coming soon!

I just wonder if in 10 years we'll look back on this and still laugh
Yes. And then we will pause to clean up the VR goggles and go back to more "boating". lol.

Yeah maybe sooner than 10 years.

This is going to be interesting!

""SOLO is legal (so far) in 41 states, plus Guam, Puerto rico and the District of Columbia." These states are exempted from having a spotter on board for the SOLO Watercraft only."

This is going to be interesting!

""SOLO is legal (so far) in 41 states, plus Guam, Puerto rico and the District of Columbia." These states are exempted from having a spotter on board for the SOLO Watercraft only."


Only thing is, how are we going to strap on @jcyamaharider 's custom swim deck ballast bag? :D
What would be nice is to talk about some serious new ideas, things that could be helpful, since Yamaha isn't really bothering to do that anymore. Of course the problem will be trying to agree on what is helpful and not, etc.

For example, dealing with grass. For me, it's an issue. I know for other boaters, it's never an issue. I'm to the point, if I do get another boat, I am going to go back to an outboard both to solve my grass issue AND to get a proper working throttle. Either a bayboat or something like the Searay SDX 250 or 270 OB.

Some ideas I've had:
1) Add a bilge pump and pickup and tie into the cooling intake lines of each engine so that when I do clog up with grass, the engines don't overheat. At least if I enter a large patch of grass, maybe I can very very slowly idle out? Of course, that gets complicated. Can't risk that pump running if the engine is off! So the pump needs to be tied into the engine somehow to only run when it's on. 2) Maybe even add some type of engine vacuum driven valve that opens the cooling intake line? Then we'd even have automatic tow valves basically.
3) Switch to closed looped cooling? Problem there is the exhuast would still need cooling water and so while the engine might not overheat, the exhaust could?
4) Just like there are fuel flow meters, add a cooling flow meter and gauge to know the motors are getting cooling?

Even crazier ideas:
A) What prevents the motors from being spun backwards? Could there in theory be a way to turn the motors off, then press a 'clear' button that runs the starter motor backwards to flush the intake? Would the impeller design push enough water backwards if spun backwards?
B) A tapered impeller and sleeve? Somehow via something mechanical the impeller could slide along the shaft freeing up room between the impeller and sleeve for the grass to pass through?

I am sick of destroying my hands reaching down through the clearing tube. It's better than nothing, but at the same time, still really sucks that it even needs to be done at all, especially having to do it often during the day with a boat full of people watching me patiently waiting for us to get going again.

Other ideas:
C) I like the premium larger tops over the tower but I garage my boat. I custom built a 4th garage with an 8'3" door. I want to be able to walk around in the boat though when garaged and the tower is down. But that permanent metal framed top would be a killer.
D) Maybe design that top over the tower to be able to slide fwds or back? Then I could just slide it way fwd when in the garage? Would be nice to be able to slide it back when beached for more shade on the transom. Maybe it could be shaped like the bow and I just slide it off towards the front and it snaps down to the bow. Or maybe just design an integrated front and rear bimini top that can be collapsed against the tower and sell the hard framed top as a seperate add on.
E) How can we get a larger driver's side helm door to make it easier to get in there?
F) How about a layout like that SDX 250 with the side walkway and that much larger a head compartment?
G) With the typical center layout and walkway, why even bother with a walkway to 'almost' the front? We always have the bow cushion in place. I've seen some boats where the whole front is a floor at the level of the seats, and you step up right where the drivers/passenger compartments start. The Floor locker could be that much larger with two levels! It sucks getting stuff out of the floor locker that's gotten buried at the bottom.
H) I absolutely hate those ugly large tower mountered speakers. I'd like to see nicer, smaller, hidden integrated speakers. I think they did offer this once a while back but then went away. Bring it back, just better.
I) A true rear anchor locker. Right now. it's awkward cause anchor doesn't have a designated spot, and the line is always in the way. Maybe on the side with the table mount, a single door in the lower transom just for the anchor and a dedicated popup cleat right there?
J) A bow anchor locker that doesn't flood and spill over into the rest of the boat.

The searay 25 and 27' models: (of course they are that much more expensive).


I've seen that tech on TV or youtube. There are less regulations on the water so it's more doable, but that's a very niche market. 90% of my enjoyment on the lake is with friends and family. I've never had the itch to tube by myself.
So I got a chance to demo the 242x today with the new wakebooster in Person and I’m not going to lie, it simply works great! It’s a little cumbeursome to install at first but once you do it a few times I think it’ll be super straight forward.

We ran the boat empty of ballast but full of people in a straight line at 10.5 mph it it produced a big and clean wave. The wave seemed to curve further away from the boat and produced a huge transition zone along with a nice curl. I think you will all be impressed...

hey, thanks for the post. Seriously considering a 2019 242X. Did anyone actually get out there and surf the wave to see just how much push it had?
Going back to the reverse bucket. Maybe i missed it being mentioned on another post but looking at Yamaha's website, it appears as if the bucket actually separates the nozzle in half when lowered for reverse. The current nozzles dont have that today, or am i missing something and its an optical illusion?

Yes, major redesign to provide some lateral thrust.
The pic posted looks like 195. Amazing it still shows a paddle speedo...?!

What would be nice is to talk about some serious new ideas, things that could be helpful, since Yamaha isn't really bothering to do that anymore. Of course the problem will be trying to agree on what is helpful and not, etc.

For example, dealing with grass. For me, it's an issue. I know for other boaters, it's never an issue. I'm to the point, if I do get another boat, I am going to go back to an outboard both to solve my grass issue AND to get a proper working throttle. Either a bayboat or something like the Searay SDX 250 or 270 OB.

Some ideas I've had:
1) Add a bilge pump and pickup and tie into the cooling intake lines of each engine so that when I do clog up with grass, the engines don't overheat. At least if I enter a large patch of grass, maybe I can very very slowly idle out? Of course, that gets complicated. Can't risk that pump running if the engine is off! So the pump needs to be tied into the engine somehow to only run when it's on. 2) Maybe even add some type of engine vacuum driven valve that opens the cooling intake line? Then we'd even have automatic tow valves basically.
3) Switch to closed looped cooling? Problem there is the exhuast would still need cooling water and so while the engine might not overheat, the exhaust could?
4) Just like there are fuel flow meters, add a cooling flow meter and gauge to know the motors are getting cooling?

Even crazier ideas:
A) What prevents the motors from being spun backwards? Could there in theory be a way to turn the motors off, then press a 'clear' button that runs the starter motor backwards to flush the intake? Would the impeller design push enough water backwards if spun backwards?
B) A tapered impeller and sleeve? Somehow via something mechanical the impeller could slide along the shaft freeing up room between the impeller and sleeve for the grass to pass through?

I am sick of destroying my hands reaching down through the clearing tube. It's better than nothing, but at the same time, still really sucks that it even needs to be done at all, especially having to do it often during the day with a boat full of people watching me patiently waiting for us to get going again.

Other ideas:
C) I like the premium larger tops over the tower but I garage my boat. I custom built a 4th garage with an 8'3" door. I want to be able to walk around in the boat though when garaged and the tower is down. But that permanent metal framed top would be a killer.
D) Maybe design that top over the tower to be able to slide fwds or back? Then I could just slide it way fwd when in the garage? Would be nice to be able to slide it back when beached for more shade on the transom. Maybe it could be shaped like the bow and I just slide it off towards the front and it snaps down to the bow. Or maybe just design an integrated front and rear bimini top that can be collapsed against the tower and sell the hard framed top as a seperate add on.
E) How can we get a larger driver's side helm door to make it easier to get in there?
F) How about a layout like that SDX 250 with the side walkway and that much larger a head compartment?
G) With the typical center layout and walkway, why even bother with a walkway to 'almost' the front? We always have the bow cushion in place. I've seen some boats where the whole front is a floor at the level of the seats, and you step up right where the drivers/passenger compartments start. The Floor locker could be that much larger with two levels! It sucks getting stuff out of the floor locker that's gotten buried at the bottom.
H) I absolutely hate those ugly large tower mountered speakers. I'd like to see nicer, smaller, hidden integrated speakers. I think they did offer this once a while back but then went away. Bring it back, just better.
I) A true rear anchor locker. Right now. it's awkward cause anchor doesn't have a designated spot, and the line is always in the way. Maybe on the side with the table mount, a single door in the lower transom just for the anchor and a dedicated popup cleat right there?
J) A bow anchor locker that doesn't flood and spill over into the rest of the boat.

The searay 25 and 27' models: (of course they are that much more expensive).



It's crazy Sea Ray could get one boat so right and the other so wrong. The 270 SDX OB is an incredible boat just beautiful and very well laid out. The 25 SDX OB on the other hand has so many quirks that make you say hmmm. I looked hard a the 270 SDX OB last year and thought long and hard about buying it but $90K price tag was just a little detouring after looking at the used market and depreciation. They told me then that they were coming out with a 25 model and I was excited till I saw it man it is just such a strange lay out it was very disappointing to me.
@robert843, it is easy to appreciate those Sea Rays but I can not imagine giving up the comfort and enjoyment of having a swim deck without an outboard or even props intruding. The jet drive makes the experience of hanging out at the stern so much more enjoyable.
@robert843, it is easy to appreciate those Sea Rays but I can not imagine giving up the comfort and enjoyment of having a swim deck without an outboard or even props intruding. The jet drive makes the experience of hanging out at the stern so much more enjoyable.

I agree thats why we have a 2017 AR240 but this was the competing boat during my purchase. I did how ever place my vote on the Sea Ray SDX 270 but lost as the rest of the crew choose the AR240. My agreement at the time was we would keep the AR240 for 3-4 years and then I could get my choice of boat next but that has now changed from shopping for a SDX 270 to something more like a Renegade 33 ft center console or an Avanti or Concept style center console and the 3-4 for years has turned into 1-2 year lol. Even with those though the swim deck is coming into conversation as they suck and I can easily admit it is the one thing that Yamaha for sure does correctly. We will see what I end up with next but right now the boss has approved my purchase of a 33ft go fast center console as long as I keep the Yamaha too so who am I to argue with the boss.
4) Just like there are fuel flow meters, add a cooling flow meter and gauge to know the motors are getting cooling?

What I did isn't flow meters, they're pressure gauges. Watching the pump pressure is a REALLY good way to make sure the engines are getting good cooling water flow. This picture I took at 52mph, it shows the water pressure in the engines at ~26 and ~28psi. (The starboard engine is most likely lower because that nozzle on my boat is bigger to keep the engine rpm's matched.) Those pressure gauges and the temp gauges would easily show you if you were getting plugged up with weeds.

Original thread showing what I did... https://jetboaters.net/threads/results-of-latest-gmtech-mods-and-a-shark-on-the-boat.16388/

Here is what I want for 2020. An AR240 with a tower design similar to the X series or another design so I’m not concerned about it falling. Fix the dash and let us pick our own colors similar to Axis (if you must charge more for letting the customer/dealer pick colors and get rid of the decals).
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I do agree with you guys about the transom also, it too is the reason we got our Yamaha 230, over a Seadoo 230, but there are pros and cons to everything.

These new outboard bowriders, like the searay's I mentioned, and also the Monterey M-45 and M-65, do provide a lot of transom space, in some cases, even more (the boats are longer). Yes, there is an outboard in the middle, but then consider, the outboard models provide easier side transom where the Yamaha provides 0. If the Yamaha provides 8' of transom space, the outboards still provide 8' as well, just in two 4' sections to either side. I agree the SDX 250 is a bit wierd, but I need to see it in person. I like how that main rear seat slides forward and provides that much larger a transom. I wish they had provided a boarding ladder on both sides. We go to the keys a lot, love our rear transom, but it can get crowded and there's only one ladder. What I also like about the outboard ones is it's an easy walk into the boat and don't need to climb over anything. And another plus is they have HUGE lockers at the back of the boat and that much more storage inboard since no engines. I could easily keep all the snorkel, scuba, etc stuff at the transom and they have better seats. And they are bigger boats. Anybody that really wants and is dreaming of a 27' Yamaha should seriously look at the SDX 270 or M-65

Of course, those outboard models would be that much more awesome without an outboard there, but it's no longer a dealbreaker for me. I feel like I'm gaining more than I'm loosing. They've found a way to give us back the transom and make it nice to hang out on. The solution to the outboard is actually quite easy, design an outboard cover or adapter that accepts a table tray and then for all practical purposes what's the difference between a Yamaha with the big table to the side vs the table in the center (and actually off the transom).

I would love to get back the silence of an outboard idling along, better fuel economy at idle, smooth throttles, no worry of grass, and since I keep boats a long time, no worries of repowering in 10-15yrs if I wanted or needed too.

I also like how the dash is designed on the Searay and they've stuck with traditional switches. That's exactly what I'm talking about, same dash, but that flat black panel either comes with gauges or an MFD. I don't get that ugly tower on the SDX 250 with that huge lower mount part. I do like the other black tower/top that looks like Yamaha's limited series, but it's a bimini somehow that's easier to remove or stow.

If yamaha can solve the grass issue, make the electronic throttles standard, make the boat even quieter, and design a more flexible tower/top, maybe I would come back.

Thanks for the link gmtech, will look into that!
I agree that's kind of where I fall. You start talking about a 27+ foot boats and the benefits of jet propulsion start to diminish imo. To me Yamaha is all about taking a smaller boat footprint and maximizing space and value. Everytime I read about the twin or triplet SVHO 30' boat, I think why? If you are seriously in the market for something like that manufacturers with more skin in the walls are already out there making them
Here is what I want for 2020. An AR240 with a tower design similar to the X series or another design so I’m not concerned about it falling. Fix the dash and let us pick our own colors similar to Axis (if you must charge more for letting the customer/dealer pick colors and get ride of the decals).
Yep. But it's also about time to furnish E-throttles (fly-by-wire) in all those boats, particularly since those already have APSs!

Holy cow! 80k.... Geezzz..... I just don't understand the price if these things keeps going so far north. ..
I'm with ya on that. I liked my Yamaha, but after seeing the new price increases for the 2019 models, I'm w/ @swatski & will move on to other brands. A person can buy a real boat for the price range Yamaha are getting into.
hey, thanks for the post. Seriously considering a 2019 242X. Did anyone actually get out there and surf the wave to see just how much push it had?

If you are seriously thinking of a boat for surfing for the price Yamaha is asking for the 242X there are a lot of way better options, unless you need the jet drives for shallow water.

This is one of the best offerings out there for less than 80K.

A person can buy a real boat for the price range Yamaha are getting into.

@ACrews Can you add some context and clarity on what exactly a "real boat" is? If these Yamaha's I've been buying are fake, I'm not going to be very happy!