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    Membership allows you to ask questions (no matter how mundane), meet up with other jet boaters, see full images (not just thumbnails), browse the member map and qualifies you for members only discounts offered by vendors who run specials for our members only! (It also gets rid of this banner!)

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2019 Release coming soon!

Yeah...can anyone point to another place on the internet where there are 40 pages of posts talking about this new boat? 13k members and tens of thousands of non members reading here....they know the value we provide.
That would make sense. As if I was considering spending that kind of money on my first boat. I would be doing as much Yamaha boat research as I could. So you are right, this forum should come up in just about any possible search for anything Yamaha boat related topic.

Good point.
Was always wow'd by the Yamaha boats growing up, loved the quality that comes with the name, saw the new AR190 at the boat show and was impressed with the fully loaded package Yamaha puts in every boat. The boat grew on me quickly and I came to this website to have my questions answered, which was the final piece that convinced me to buy one. Yamaha should be catering to this forum as we are their strongest voice.

I joined this community, because the people here are helpful and I own a Yamaha, because they offer a strong value for what my family wanted. Yamaha should be members of this forum and solicit feedback from the Admins on how to continue improving their products and services.
3ft itis
While I agree their marketing can't just be about stroking their existing base to get them to buy again. . . I humbly disagree that our influence would shrivel based on your proposed metrics. If you saw the non member traffic this site generates you might feel a little differently. We are extremely influential to 1st time buyers of Yamaha (and other) jet boats.
My thoughts, exactly.

Perhaps they’ve had it too good for too long...
Honestly, I would never buy a Yamaha jet boat without this community being here (and the old site). Not even close!
I found the idea of having all the Yamaha jet boat questions answered or addressed here in mere minutes reassuring enough to jump on that band wagon (of jetboating) after years of outboards.

I know for a fact I’m representative of a large fraction of new Yamaha buyers who loved the idea but would had never pulled the trigger was it not for this site and the REASSURANCE it provided via members sharing experience and honest, no bull, feedback.

I may have never even boated if it weren't for the old site!
My wife grew up boating but i grew up camping and i was into mustangs.
We decided to do a fixer upper exciter 270 because i saw the info i found there/here.
Fixed it, loved it, upgraded to my ss! I am on the forums because of the help i had recieved!
So in other words, you guys spent my money!
I personally would be interested in this bigger boat. However, both my vehicles are over 150k, so i get to be jealous of the first buyers, help with the first issues, and hopefully buy one of the first used!
All this is possible with this forum!
Same here......bought a used Rinker 192 as a first boat. Was looking hard at more new Rinkers. Stumbled across a Yamaha at the show years ago. Researched online, and found the "other site", then landed here. Multiple posts here before I bought, and a few during the process solidified the good decision. This will be season #3 of happy jetboating for us. Wouldn't have done it without the support here.
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I'm digging the hard top, walk through and lounge chairs.