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2023 sx190 monster wake tower MTK install

It's not 3 inches, I was wrong. It's actually a bit more. I remeasured and it almost 8 inches. Sorry, don't know where I got that from.
And I am more with the 4 inch extensions but wanted more level. Still fits in garage barely
Ok I got exactly 1 foot behind my boat so I should be safe
Did they specify its the longer bolt to be used on the top gunnel vs side mounted? I don't remember the specs on the bolts they sent me after I order it. Maybe they realized that and started sending the longer bolt from the get go.
Yeah I told them top gunnel when I get to the install I will document all the sizes
Did you decide about extensions? and type? Plates would require even longer. Cylinders just the regular longer screws.
I do like the way it leveled it. But certainly could go either way. Just dont want you to drill and then not be happy with it.
I haven’t yet I am assuming I will go with plates since that would be easier for me to get done.
I was shocked how easy it was for a machine shop. He just went in back and came out with piece of solid aluminum rod. Said, we will cut it, tap it on both ends, order a threaded rod same thread as what came with tower so will thread in tower and polish.
But I gotcha, plate would likely work too.
I just completed my 192 & decided to side mount to get the correct angle of teh tower. This also gave me the same bimini coverage as the factory bimini.


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@LKMSurfing that white powder coat look really nice!
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The install is done took one entire day but I only had one helper for half the day. I used 1/2 wood below the deck and those longer bolts are absolutely necessary. I am now debating on what method I want to use to get the tower more level. I am still thinking a spacer under the bracket since I am pretty much out of room in the garage. That would require even longer bolts for the rear bracket but I am sure I could source those.

Looking good!
Will the back of the tower sit flush with the back of the boat if you raise it up 2-3ft? I’m about to order my tower and I don’t have much clearance in my garage behind the boat.
2020 sx195. Mine folds back. Had 4 in risers made to level at a local machine shop. I used some plywood in addition to the supplied plates. Monster sent me longer screws. Mine does hang off back a bit. But needed to go back to fit in garage.

Will the back of the tower sit flush with the back of the boat if you raise it up 2-3ft? I’m about to order my tower and I don’t have much clearance in my garage behind the boat. I plan on having the spacers made this week once the tower arrives. Thanks in advance!