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242S glove box lid

What is the status of this? Ready to order.
I'm in the same situation - I cracked the door in my 2016 AR 240 a couple weeks ago. I brought it to a fab shop and they said to match the original would be about $700 just for the door. I'm interested in either the group buy if it's still an option.

FYI - mine broke at the edge of the hinge, right at the screw as I've seen in other photos. Guy at the shop said the screw creates a weak spot and it will probably break again if I replace it. I'm wondering if anyone has a solution for that. Thank you,
Reviving thread. Cracked mine this last summer. Epoxied to just keep it together over last season but was shoddy.
used a gloss black enamel paint to build up layers and hide the crack.
Better but not perfect as it has a texture. Doesn't bug me but looking to replace the door altogether to get back to stock look and better match the surrounding surfaces. The sea dek cover idea is brilliant and would like to go that route on any new door I put on. Any info out there? Will submit a pic of the panel with the enamel job I did once it dries and is installed.


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Won’t be perfect but I found some glass glue and built a jig to hold it while curing, and it seems to be solid. You can easily clean the excess glue with mineral spirits before it cures. I wish I had a clean un-cracked finish, but pretty happy with the fix for $5


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I have a 2018 242x with the cracked glove box lid. I am considering making a 2d model of the lid and getting parts made out of 0.5” plastic. The part is slightly curved, but I think a flat part will be good enough. I can easily get 0.5” clear polycarbonate material waterjet cut. Finding a black shiny material that matches will be harder, but I’m looking

Has anyone tried this or interested. The parts get much cheaper with more people. Five people would make parts ~$50 a piece, vs buying the entire glove box.

Let me know if anyone is interested.


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Can I get one of these please ! ?
I need one please
Ok, I worked on Measuring my Front Panel tonight and made a drawing. Please check your glove box lid size against this drawing. If I buy one for myself, it's $200, If I buy five of them , they are $45.30 a piece, plus shipping and taxes, and they get cheaper from there. I think it makes sense to buy 5 right now, and install mine and make sure it works. I can then mail who ever wants one, and venmo me. A few extra isn't a bad thing, then I can play with baking one of them and try to match the slight curve in the part.
If others want one, we can do another group buy. I can get the holes built in for the magnetic clips, but the hinge will have to matched drilled by hand. The part will be 0.5" clear lexan, which you can paint with plastic spray paint.

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I'm in...mine got cracked too!
I have one more. But can always order some more. PM me your info.
Do you have any of the glove box doors left? Mine got cracked the other day.
I’ve got this for sale from a 2017 ar 240. 1/2 the retail cost plus shipping from 94505. Start a conversation with me if you are interested. IMG_3179.jpeg
Well, the last fix didn’t work, but I think I’m on to something now. I stripped off all the hardware and rubber mat and—this is key—used a 2-part plastic adhesive to rejoin the pieces. This creates a chemical bond between the broken parts, and it feels really strong. Then I used a Dremel tool and cut grooves in the acrylic perpendicular to the cracks on the backside. I filled those with the 2-part adhesive to improve strength of the repair, almost like stitching between the pieces. Don’t worry—when you replace the rubber mat on the backside it is covered. I used spray adhesive to reattach the mat, and you can’t even notice. Now the scary part—I used a palm sander on the front surface to completely smooth the repair. I plan to use high-gloss acrylic paint to mimic the original finish, but it’s possible a wet sand could work as well. I’ll update after final but posting a before paint pic…


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Well, the last fix didn’t work, but I think I’m on to something now. I stripped off all the hardware and rubber mat and—this is key—used a 2-part plastic adhesive to rejoin the pieces. This creates a chemical bond between the broken parts, and it feels really strong. Then I used a Dremel tool and cut grooves in the acrylic perpendicular to the cracks on the backside. I filled those with the 2-part adhesive to improve strength of the repair, almost like stitching between the pieces. Don’t worry—when you replace the rubber mat on the backside it is covered. I used spray adhesive to reattach the mat, and you can’t even notice. Now the scary part—I used a palm sander on the front surface to completely smooth the repair. I plan to use high-gloss acrylic paint to mimic the original finish, but it’s possible a wet sand could work as well. I’ll update after final but posting a before paint pic…


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Looking to order one as well
If you have any remaining
Looking to order one as well
If you have any remaining
Not sure who this post is directed to but I have a used one from a 2017 for sale. See my August 25 post above of interested.

Note: I’ve just reduced the price from 1/2 retail to 1/4 retail part 48 in the screen shot. So about $232 plus actual shipping and package costs from 94505.

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Not sure who this post is directed to but I have a used one from a 2017 for sale. See my August 25 post above of interested.

Note: I’ve just reduced the price from 1/2 retail to 1/4 retail part 48 in the screen shot. So about $232 plus actual shipping and package costs from 94505.

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Let me know if still available-
Did @JetBoatPilot end up making a piece to cover this? Our door broke as well. Hoping some sort of adhesive will work if we cannot find a replacement.
Did @JetBoatPilot end up making a piece to cover this? Our door broke as well. Hoping some sort of adhesive will work if we cannot find a replacement.
We did make one for a customer and still have the part file in our system. We could do it again if needed.