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After tubes????

Catching an edge is the exact reason I stopped wakeboarding and moved to the skate. If you catch an edge on the skate it separates from your feet and the crash is FAR less painful.

Yep. Lost two days of water fun on my vacation at the lake last summer because of an edge catch on a bounce after a wake to wake. Felt like a truck hit me full on my chest, and pretty sure I had at least a slight concussion. Didn't pick up the the wakeboard again all summer after that and this winter I picked up an inexpensive wakeskate to give that a try this coming summer. I'm getting too old to find any fun in that kind of abuse. :confused:
This talk of getting hurt and age reminds me of a few years ago when I stupidly challenged my brother in law to try to throw me off the back of a Sea Doo. I went flying like super man face first in the water at about 40mph. My heals his me in the back of the head. I realized I was old when my first reaction was not, "Wow that was awesome!" It was, "Wow, I hope I didn't do permanent damage."