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Anchor Lock Latch

Adrian @ JB Solutions

Jetboaters Admiral
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Tampa Bay, FL
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This thing keeps moving no matter how tight I move it, it always eventually gets to the point where it will not shut any more, and then I have to go adjust it again. Has anything found a way to fix this yet?
This thing keeps moving no matter how tight I move it, it always eventually gets to the point where it will not shut any more, and then I have to go adjust it again. Has anything found a way to fix this yet?
Yes - @Bill D figured a better latch. I'll try to find the info. I did what he said and it is GREAT.

It seems the bottom latch moves, not the piece on the door, will the new latch on the door be longer to solve this?
It seems the bottom latch moves, not the piece on the door, will the new latch on the door be longer to solve this?
Well, maybe you could just replace or move the "keeper" (or whatever that bottom part is called) - inside the opening? You could re-set it using old school epoxy trick - basically - overdrill the holes, fill with epoxy, and redrill to reset new screws in new position or using a larger "keeper"?

The slam latch I installed had some wiggle room inside the cutout in the lid - so it was easy to adjust it and lock it in place for tight/snag operation.

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It seems the bottom latch moves, not the piece on the door, will the new latch on the door be longer to solve this?
I believed I re-drilled mine. The first time out it popped open and wouldn't stay shut. It's been working great since. I practice in the Gulf by jumping 3' waves :woot:. I will take a look tomorrow when I'm back in the boat. I'm sure mother Yamaha misaligned it.