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AR192 Perfect Pass and Ballast Testing....GoPro Footage

Here is the other thread:


750 bag on rear seat surf side

According to Wakemakers, a single 750 is all that is needed for the 192. Throw it surf side rear for wake surf, put it in the ski locker for wake board. I am going to move it around and try to get some video etc. just to compare for future reference.
I 100% agree!!!
@Englewoodcowboy I am not arguing about the 750 being all that is needed. What I am saying is it is too tall to fit in the compartment. My 400 is 16" tall (the 750 is 20") and it fills the compartment. The 750 is als0 8" longer and unless you want to completely move your battery....it won't fit. If hiding the bag is what you are after, 750 by itself is not the answer. My solution was to hide the 400 and and have another 400 for the seat, thus having more ballast (albeit not much) and saving some space.

I am just trying to help you guys out the best I can. I have measured a lot, moved batteries around and have had a full bag under the seat. I am not guessing on this stuff.
@CFD3Captain I am not arguing at all. LOL I get completely where you are coming from and I too have taken into consideration dimensions etc. I am moving my battery all the way back to free up space, also, the area under the seat is not a square, it has angled sides etc. and rough dimensions, when you consider that the bag will comfort to what space is available I am going to give it a try, I really have nothing to loose other than a little bit of time. Moving the battery will benefit regardless since they kind of just put it in there and blocked off space that is useable in the rear. Knowing the bag overall dimensions, its volume is based on those in a perfect environment, straight sides, actual finished dimensions etc. but the bag will bulge allowing more than the claimed volume within reason. I am hoping that the slightly wedged shape of the compartment being wider at the top and narrower at the bottom will work to my advantage but it is all an experiment. The proof will be in the end when I get to see if my theory is founded or way off. No worries amigo, its all in the fun! I am secretly hoping things work well with this boat that I won't want to upgrade, I am very happy with it overall, power, performance and room. A bigger boat doubles costs, raises monthly payments and doubles the maintenance expense... it is insane to think we spend what we are for a few months of enjoyment and I just want to maximize that to the fullest. ;)
@Englewoodcowboy Alls good man. Just know that I moved my battery back as far as I could and the 400# bag is almost resting against it. There is no more room :( I can take pics if you or anyone else needs them. But then again, maybe you will have 500-600 lbs partially full and squished in there and it will be all good, but I don't know that you can get the bag that full. Here's to trying :thumbsup:
@CFD3Captain pics would be great! My biggest hope with it being under the seat is just to have seats available for passengers... won't know till I try though. I will have some pics of it soon, i may go out and try it on my trailer, just to see how full I can get it in there... Were you able to move the battery all the way to the back with the existing cables or did you have to make new ones?
I had new made, but I added a dual battery setup with bus bars as well. The second battery ended up under the starboard side to make the most of what little room we are working with. It will probably work with what is in there. That is assuming there is a switch in there and that the dealer who installed the switch and battery made the positive cable long enough. I moved the battery back as far as it will go. There is a lip to that floor and the battery try or box will only set in the recessed area. Let me go out and take a pic showing the battery and the bag empty ( I don't want to fill it right now) You will get a good idea of the space though. Back in a few :)
Awesome. Thanks! I need to clear room in my shop to pull the boat back in, been working on the bronco body getting it ready for paint and it resulted in my boat getting the boot for now. Better outside than in getting covered and filled with dust but I need it in to work on it at night.
Here are few quick pics I snapped. You can see the area the battery has to recess area in it. It's as far back as it can go but there is still about 2-3" behind it that's raised up. You can see the bag goes from nearly touching the battery to the front of the compartment. Again the 750 will need at least 8 more inches to stretch flat and not be pushing against the battery hard (which I wouldn't like)

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
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That looks nice!!
Hmmm, I see what you are now talking about. I may move the battery to the other side since most everyone I know surfs normal but then again, ambition may be higher than the real necessity to make it work there. Will see what I can come up with. :/
I wish now I would have taken a few pics when it was full. If you don't have a battery there....you have it made......with the exception that it's still a little tall and will rub against the top of the compartment (which my 400 pretty much does) Also, there are A LOT of screws you will want grind down and cover up that are from the rub rail. Not all of them are below the top lip of the compartment, but quite a few.I used a dremel and covered with leftover outdoor carpet I had from my old boat and bunk project.
Well I am glad I went and took another look... I need to take the cover off my boat and see what I can do. I just checked my bag and I thought I bought the FH 750 but in fact I bought the 8-3 800. It is 22 x 26 x 50. When I measured my hole, I measured roughly 24 x 16 x 48 so being it is few inches lacking, I will have to do some serious fiddling around to see what I can come up with. The FH bag is 20 x 20 x 50 so fingers crossed the slight dimension change will let me get close to 750. Wish there was some way to weigh or measure what is going in but I am not about to do it 1 gallon at a time. I will def. get some updates on this as I go.

P.S. thanks for pointing out the screws. Its been 6 months since I looked under the hatches for this mod... I will def do something about the sharp edges and try to find some remnants to aid in protection if it will work.
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what the hell are you going to do with the dingy that sticks up?? LOL

It is not the same bag, non telescopic. My bag is a girl. :) I went out and unfolded it and saw the 8-3 and said that is not FH then looked further... happy mistake I hope.
What the heck is that telescopic thing for anyways? :confused:

Edit: just found out on wakemakers. Actually kind of a neat idea.
That i so they can use a large 2000 gph bilge pump to fill and drain it. I just don't think I am in that much of a rush to need to drain the sack in a few seconds...
you throw the pump in that when draining, it's not actually full of water, just air, it pops up when the bag is full, and you can just push it back into the bag.