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AR192 Wakesurfing

Finally got to try surfing again today. I moved the battery under the swim deck, and was able to get a full 800 sack in the port compartment.

800 port under seat.
540 on swim deck port side
About 300 starboard under seat.

Pretty good wave. Never really dropped the rope, but was able to find a sweet spot where the rope was slack. Turning to surf side gave good push, but it was inconsistent. Wave was hitting just above my knee.

I had my wife move around the boat to see the wave change, but She didn't like being called ballast.

Tomorrow I'll try a bag in the swim compartment instead of the starboard under seat. Struggled to get up to speed with all of the weight on the back. With my wife in the bow it popped right up. Amazing how much a little weight adjustment changes the wave.
You need a board one more float
600 lbs on upper swim deck. No other ballast, only myself and my 9yo son in the boat. I've tried every combination I can think of with up to 1800 lbs of Ballast. Nothing comes close to working as good as 600 lbs on that surf side back corner.

Same results I had when I tried up to 1400 lbs, DIY surf gates, etc. Nothing compared to my "lil bag that could" :D. Puts the weight right in a sweet spot on these boats.
You dont need another board, just more practice. You will get there. Looking good.
600 lbs on upper swim deck. No other ballast, only myself and my 9yo son in the boat. I've tried every combination I can think of with up to 1800 lbs of Ballast. Nothing comes close to working as good as 600 lbs on that surf side back corner.

I’m completely new to the boating world and recently purchased a 2014 Ar192. I’m curious how you keep the 600 lb bag in place and where exactly it rests?
I’m completely new to the boating world and recently purchased a 2014 Ar192. I’m curious how you keep the 600 lb bag in place and where exactly it rests?
Honestly if you don’t already have a bag just get the 19’ specific one from jcyamaharider. He has handles on it so you only need 2 ropes on it.
I’m completely new to the boating world and recently purchased a 2014 Ar192. I’m curious how you keep the 600 lb bag in place and where exactly it rests?
The bag I used was 800 lbs, but wasn't full. Ended up randomly wrapping ropes around the bag to tie it down. There isn't a good way to tie it down. It was on the upper swim deck on the port side.

Just get the custom bag for the 19' boats. The trouble and inconsistency of the standard bag takes away from the overall experience.
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I have the transom ballast bag on my AR195 which is 550lb. All you need other than that is about 350lbs in the bow and I can go ropeless. The wake is close to the boat but I dont give a shit. I may try going to 10.5-11 but yesterday the best push was at 10, but your maybe 3-4 ft from the boat.
600 lbs on upper swim deck. No other ballast, only myself and my 9yo son in the boat. I've tried every combination I can think of with up to 1800 lbs of Ballast. Nothing comes close to working as good as 600 lbs on that surf side back corner.

What have you found to be the best speed on RideSteady for surfing?
What have you found to be the best speed on RideSteady for surfing?

Best thing about RS is that you do .10mph increments based on conditions and rider. I'll pull a baseline wave with nobody riding after the bags are setup to get the speed right (based on water depth and human ballst), then when surfer is up, adjust slightly to bring in that nice curl.
I have the transom ballast bag on my AR195 which is 550lb. All you need other than that is about 350lbs in the bow and I can go ropeless. The wake is close to the boat but I dont give a shit. I may try going to 10.5-11 but yesterday the best push was at 10, but your maybe 3-4 ft from the boat.
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Dumb question about bags like this... how do you fill it?
Dumb question about bags like this... how do you fill it?
You use a tsunami ballast pump.
