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Best towable tube in your opinion

Just bought the HO Sports Delta 3 from Costco and took it out with the family for the first time yesterday - loved it! Easy to get it swinging side to side for the big kids and the little kids felt safe - worked Gr8 for all ages for us(3 thru 18). Have a round O'Brien(still use some, but only 1 person and cranks the neck) and had a Poparazzi(too big and heavy - hated it for those reasons). Price was $199.99 for the HO.

Some of the kids and my sister in law...
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@Belteddeep , your Costco tube came with a tow rope and electric pump didn't it? That makes it an even better deal than most others out there.

Btw, I have had similar experiences with the flat tube and poparrazi.
@Belteddeep , your Costco tube came with a tow rope and electric pump didn't it? That makes it an even better deal than most others out there.

Btw, I have had similar experiences with the flat tube and poparrazi.
@Ronnie - yep - it came with the rope and the pump that hooks up directly to the batteries, which I prefer. Didn't need either of them, but like you said - a really good deal!
Towable tubes have been a huge passion for me on the lake it's ton of fun and to answer your question about best towable tubes I think the o'brien super screamer https://bazomo.com/best-towable-tubes/ is a good choice to consider, also there are different shapes to choose from what you may need. have fun! :)
Anything from Costco. If anything happens to it, they'll happily take it back!