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Best Wakesurf board you've bought

I have a similar rack that holds surf and knee boards. I ended up with clear tubing over the tines as extra padding to prevent scratches. Works very well and has not discolored much in 4 years. I still need to add another surfer to the stable. Cam.
We have been using an Inland Surfer Red Rocket for about 4 years and like it so far, it has been a good board for us, but also note that we have tried many other boards, so we do not have much to compare it to.

I got some new surf and knee-board racks installed today. Seem like they will be great. From Bullet lines. Both have the swivel and are removable with a single screw (the swivel would stay on tower and rack removed.) Nice heavy duty locking swivel action.

I got these in the fall and am just getting them installed now. But when I ordered I emailed the the company and they gave me some extra discounts.

We are using the boat a lot more for board water sports so it was time for better storage, And with ballast filled no more room in the boat.

It was nice to run the engines and get a chance to work on the boat.

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@dan144k Make sure to use the kneeboard strap and attach it around the rack itself also. I have had my kneeboard fall out a couple of times and it put a small gash in my rear seat. After I started doing this I haven't had the issue again.