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Big / Tall life jackets


Jetboaters Admiral
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Litchfield, IL
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I need a better life jacket. I feel like I’m wearing a tube top, and it ain’t pretty. Lol

I’m about 6’4 and 300+. Usually 3x shirts.

Anybody have any recommendations? The google has brought up a Hyperlite Indy big and tall neoprene jacket and an HO big and tall nylon. Both are supposed to be 2-3 inches longer than standard.

I sent an email to wakemakers and they recommended an O’Neill Assault neoprene.

I’m looking for something comfortable enough to actually wear and won’t ride up on my neck when floating.

Originally, I was looking for comp vests in my size, but wakemakers didn’t have any advice on that. And, told me to verify that they are legal in my state.

Primary Activities are tube, Zup board, wake surf, floating at the cove, driving boat, maybe ski

Any thoughts?

I’ll post a few of the links I found when I get the computer out later.
I have a hyperlite. Bought it when I was ~270, 6'2. 2XL left plenty of extra room for adjustment. Covers my whole torso, and I'm a little longer in the torso than my legs, for my height. I'd give that a whirl.
Cool. Fits snug enough it doesn't swallow your head? And, the prices I’m seeing are only $65 I think. Does that sound right?
Something I have posted on comp vests before after researching them... Years ago a pro wakeboarder who was training landed wrong. People on the boat saw it and went back for him right off but could not find him. His body was recovered from the bottom of the lake with his comp vest still on.

Needless to say I will be sticking with properly fitted USCG approved vests.

@BigAbe75 .. good luck with the fit on the one you ordered.
I wish I knew you were looking for a new life jacket because I got two of them different kinds from water ski world and I would have let you try them on
Well crap, lol! Although, I didn't really know I was looking for a new one until I had success surfing in Shelbyville and plan on being in the water more in the future. I've got 2 myself (different sizes), but they're both the nylon style with 4 buckles. Wanting a neoprene one this time. Next time I see you, we can compare.
Needless to say I will be sticking with properly fitted USCG approved vests.

That had occurred to me, as well. I think my biggest thing is that I'm sick of my Nylon vests that ride up around my head, front panels shift because the sides basically have no padding (just front and back). (and of course just being too darn short) The folks that I saw last weekend didn't seem to have that trouble.

Here's my current fit.

Looking forward to getting a more modern style and seeing how it works. Hopefully, I followed the size guides correctly. :)
I'm 6'2" 230lbs. The vests I have are all too short. I only wear a 32in inseam, so I have more torso than legs, and need something in a tall, but never considered that these were even possible. I've been wearing my vest around my head when floating, and then just adjusting it immediately upon standing on the board. It's bad enough that I was teaching some teenagers to board this weekend, and one of them asked "Do you have to adjust the vest before you can ride right?" after watching me give the board a few trys.

I'm off to research some tall style vests.
I know I have a neoprene big and tall life vest that I wear now. Before I bought the neoprene I might have bought the one you did Abe. I'll actually have to get up in the boat and look.
Thanks, I’ll take a look.

Actually, I’ve lost a bit of weight this year. I’m really liking the hyperlite that I got last year. Once we get the boat out, I may need to order the next size down.
Hey abe any photos of the new jacket? I was thinking of ordering one of these
Hey abe any photos of the new jacket? I was thinking of ordering one of these
Sure. I can take actual pics later, if you want. But, here’s the difference.

Old jacket: pic above
New jacket:
Looks much better! Abe what size did you go with and what are you dimensions lol height - weight
Chest size? I'm in Canada and have to special order so I want to do this once haha
@Millertime1988 Thats going to take a bit of work, Lol. But not insurmountable. :)

Ill go get the jacket down today, it’s in the storage tote for the winter and hasn’t come down yet. But, I was going to be starting to round everything up in the next few days anyway. I’ve lost a few pounds since I ordered it, so want to make sure it still fits right before I start sending measurements.

@mattschepker You’ve got the same jacket. You have any other advice?
Sounds good! I'm 6ft 315lb my chest measurement is 54 inches. I was thinking I was going to do the 3XL
That’s probably about right. I’m pretty sure I have the 4, and may be thinking about a 3 if I can keep my weight loss going. I’m at 340 right now.