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Big / Tall life jackets

I was also thinking a 4 because I'd rather snug it up with the buckles if needed than have the 3xl tight fully expanded. I dunno im torn haha
Once you get it wet, it does stretch a bit. Last year the 4 was snug getting it zipped, then once I was in the water it fit ok.
I was also thinking a 4 because I'd rather snug it up with the buckles if needed than have the 3xl tight fully expanded. I dunno im torn haha
Ok. Before you order, let me get mine out and see where we are first. Lol
Haha alright thanks. You seem to be taller than me but I have like a 30 / 31 inch inseam so I'm a bit long in the torso. This is the only long jacket I have found.
Haha alright thanks. You seem to be taller than me but I have like a 30 / 31 inch inseam so I'm a bit long in the torso. This is the only long jacket I have found.
Yeah, I’m 6’4. But inseam is in 32/33 range depending on current belly size. lol smaller belly = longer legs.

This jacket is probably going to fit perfect in length. It could be just a tad longer on me
I wear a 32 pant leg just because a 30 is a touch short for me even though its probably proper length haha and they don't make a 31....I'm a strange shaped man hahaha
I wear a 32 pant leg just because a 30 is a touch short for me even though its probably proper length haha and they don't make a 31....I'm a strange shaped man hahaha
I’m going to say you ought to go with the 3x.

For me, the 4x zipped maybe a bit snug, but not really. I tightened the straps down about an inch from last year, so I’ll probably keep the 4 for now.

I took a couple pics. It’s a nice thin neoprene, pretty comfortable. I was getting to where I would just leave it on most of the day, depending on who I was out with. If we had a good surfing rotation, I would leave it on until we were done. Driving, I would unbuckle and unzip, though.

Perfect! Thank you for doing that I feel a bit better now. I'm right in the 54inch chest range so it's dead center of their sizing chart. But us big fellas know how sizing charts work haha. I'm the captain of my boat so I probably won't wear it very often. As ill nearly always be the one at the helm while people play haha. But I wanted a good jacket that fit right anyway.