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Buying Fat Sac Ballast

Now that I'm looking at it, I wonder if that's mis-labled? As the actual 21' fat sac is 750lbs, but that combo states 650...

The 19' customs are 650lbs. C1062

C1046 is the 21' custom bag and is rated at 725lbs. The Custom for the 19' is C1042 and is listed in the link you share. I would call them up and have them double check your order. As it shows the part for the 19' but description is a mixture of all models.

You have a great start for sure! They will make it right.

I contacted their click-to-chat agent, they said the website had it labeled wrong. Hopefully when they send it out it's the 750lb version.
Well F it. Dropped the boat off at the dealership for it’s ten hours and ordered the WakeBooster. Only live once.
If you had questions about what the part numbers were or how many pounds I could have guided you in the right direction.
If you had questions about what the part numbers were or how many pounds I could have guided you in the right direction.

Do you work there? Travis D said he checked on it for me. Thanks though.
Do you work there? Travis D said he checked on it for me. Thanks though.
I always use my phone, and rarely rotate the screen. But, many folks have signatures that are visible when you rotate sideways, or view from a computer.

I have a link to my mod lists for both my boats, as do many others.

Here is @jcyamaharider
Wellll ordering a Wakebooster from the dealership was a BUST!! They called back today and said it'll be October before they're in stock and shipping again. Bullsh1t! Looked on eBay, they're selling just the Wakebooster for as much as the whole kit with the board. I guess it's dirty waves for me this year.
Wellll ordering a Wakebooster from the dealership was a BUST!! They called back today and said it'll be October before they're in stock and shipping again. Bullsh1t! Looked on eBay, they're selling just the Wakebooster for as much as the whole kit with the board. I guess it's dirty waves for me this year.
Look around the internet. I've found just the wakebooster for $800-ish. Although now that I'm searching it's making a liar out of me. I swear just 2-3 weeks ago I could get it anywhere. Boats.net, etc just about any online retailer that sold yamaha parts.

This shows in stock:
So I decided to bite the bullet and just purchase one for more on eBay - LOLOL NO LUCK. There was only one seller with the 21' version and only one left. Someone purchased it while I was attempting to... lerd. If you have a Wakebooster, now's the time to sell it for 2x the money I think!
Look around the internet. I've found just the wakebooster for $800-ish. Although now that I'm searching it's making a liar out of me. I swear just 2-3 weeks ago I could get it anywhere. Boats.net, etc just about any online retailer that sold yamaha parts.

This shows in stock:

Thank you!! I ordered from boats.net. Hopefully they actually have inventory and I won't receive a "sorry out of stock" message.
Thank you!! I ordered from boats.net. Hopefully they actually have inventory and I won't receive a "sorry out of stock" message.
I've only had boats.net not able to come through on an item listed on their site once before, and I've ordered a bunch from them in the past. You can always call them too, and they can verify and order over the phone. When I was going through my bimini debacle I called them and they were super helpful about what exactly was available in the Yamaha warehouse in GA.
The 19' customs are 650lbs. C1062

C1046 is the 21' custom bag and is rated at 725lbs. The Custom for the 19' is C1042 and is listed in the link you share. I would call them up and have them double check your order. As it shows the part for the 19' but description is a mixture of all models.

You have a great start for sure! They will make it right.

I had a guy at WakeMakers tell me to just go ahead and buy the 24' custom Transom FATSAC even though I have a 212x. Said it's more weight, 800lbs compared to 725lb, but that it would fit just fine on my 2014 212x. Anyone else buy the bigger bag for their boat? Does it work, is it worth it, or should i just go with the 21' bag?
I had a guy at WakeMakers tell me to just go ahead and buy the 24' custom Transom FATSAC even though I have a 212x. Said it's more weight, 800lbs compared to 725lb, but that it would fit just fine on my 2014 212x. Anyone else buy the bigger bag for their boat? Does it work, is it worth it, or should i just go with the 21' bag?
Aren't the dimensions of the swim step different? I guess I would think the bag wouldn't sit level... the whole point of the different models was to support the difference in rise between the different steps. At least that was my interpretation. @jcyamaharider would know the definitive answer.
Wakemakers has no clue, they just ordered the bags this year to put into their inventory. Get the 21ft bag, by from me also because I can get them and they are waiting on their shipment
Thank you!! I ordered from boats.net. Hopefully they actually have inventory and I won't receive a "sorry out of stock" message.

I called them today about it and they told me they should have them in-hand by the 21st and ship shortly thereafter.
Definitely order the transom bag for Gantlin there is no back order ships right away. There was a reason why @jcyamaharider designed them to fit all the different sized boats not sure they would suggest to order a 24 bag for a 21ft boat. Wake Wedge for Yamaha Jet Boats
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Why would you wait till the 21st for them to even get stock. Definitely order the transom bag for Gantlin there is no back order ships right away. There was a reason why @jcyamaharider designed them to fit all the different sized boats not sure they would suggest to order a 24 bag for a 21ft boat. Wake Wedge for Yamaha Jet Boats
I’m getting confused, but I think maybe the boats.net order on the 21st is for the wake booster not a bag.
I’m getting confused, but I think maybe the boats.net order on the 21st is for the wake booster not a bag.
Yeah read it way too fast lol I was like who would wait that long for a bag.
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I would have to agree on getting the right sized bag. Even though it literally is a sack of water that will stay on with a ratchet strap. When I fill my bag, it sits there quite well. Would I run without a strap, no, but it sits there in place really well. Ordering from Gantlin was quick and easy and I felt like I was supporting a member here. There is no real variance in price either.

Now the bags for your lockers, those can be about any size. Ideally, if they fit the space, they fill up and drain easily without pocketing water. But you could make due with a smaller or larger bag if you got a smoking deal.

The best tip I had gotten reading the posts on here was filling them with air first, and getting the positioning right while light in weight. Then opening the air purge valve while filling. As once they are full, you will not be doing any last minute adjustments in the locker or on the swim platform.

Good luck!
Wakemakers has no clue, they just ordered the bags this year to put into their inventory. Get the 21ft bag, by from me also because I can get them and they are waiting on their shipment
Any concern with the radio getting smashed that's right there on the swim platform?