Please hear me out before throwing a chair at me.. And this is only my opinion, based on my experience and situation. I understand everyone has an opinion and a story.
I understand people are disappointed. I myself looked for a boat for 2 years before I was able to find one. I get it. It sucks. But don't you think that if Yamaha had the ability to deliver the ordered boats, they would? Yamaha is losing money hand over fist right now. Not to mention losing customers and future sales. Sucks for them too. Yeah they said orders were being filled, but shit happens. Things change. Like
@HangOutdoors related to, supply chains are struggling right now. I know that as well. I work Supply Chain in Healthcare, and we are struggling bad. It is a lot harder to tell a doctor you don't have an item for a surgery case than it is to tell boat customers they are cut.
Everyone said Yamaha wasn't giving any information, well, now they are. It just isn't what those who are waiting want to hear. It had to be a difficult decision to cut orders. And dealers are middlemen. They only know what they are told. Liars? Some are, maybe. Others are just trying to help. They are suffering as well. They have mouths to feed at home just like we do. No boats equals no sale commission. They don't get paid based off of orders, only deliveries.
But remember, boats are a luxury item, not a necessity. For those who sold their boats to capitalize on the market and are now left without a boat, boating can't be that important to you or you would have waited for your new one to come in. Money must be more important than memories. I am not passing blame. I would love to make a few extra grand myself, but my dad always told me that you don't quit a job until you have another one. That stands true for a lot of things, not just jobs.
With all that said, we can only hope Yamaha does the right thing for each of the cut customers. I will personally post anything I find on boats for sale to help people out, but they go fast. I wish everyone got everything they wanted, but that's not reality.
Ok, now let the bashing begin.