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Dumb question about where to tie anchor line to the boat

I recommend that you pick up a couple of Danik Hooks, one for the bow, one for the stern.
It makes life soooo much easier if you anchor in an area wherel the water levels raises or lowers during the course of an afternoon. Simply slide the line through the hook to adjust the length. :cool:

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Box anchor paired with the anchor buddy is the way to go. I typically use two. I simply throw one off the bow and clip (not tie) the end of the anchor buddy to the bow eye . The second gets thrown off the stern and clipped to stern. Boat stays put in crowded party coves.
Do you have some pix to what this looks like? I like the idea…
You can run a stock system for a long time. Consider getting a jumper pack if you have concerns. Cheap and easy.
I like the jumper pack idea......an added plus it makes you look good if someone else needs a jump.
If you’re going to beach regularly definitely recommend getting a keel guard. Even “soft” sand is like sandpaper.