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First Day Wakesurfing...AR190

Quick note for any input from those who have played around with different props and pitch... I am not looking to make my 190 faster but I would start thinking of how I could help the mods work together for some better low end... just brainstorming if anyone has any thoughts.
I love the picture of you getting up on the board with the kid. I want to do this with my 6 year old daughter - what's your advice on how to do a deep water start? I was planning on having her between my legs and telling her to just lean back on me as we get pulled up?

Thats exactly how I did it... I had her in front of me. It wasn't bad or difficult, I was able to do that by the end of the season after having hand surgery in feb/march. She loved it so have fun!
Thats exactly how I did it... I had her in front of me. It wasn't bad or difficult, I was able to do that by the end of the season after having hand surgery in feb/march. She loved it so have fun!

Thank you! She has no fear when it comes to trying wake boarding but is super weird about being so close to the boat with wake surfing. I keep telling / showing her the lack of engines. She's also six years old too...
Quick note for any input from those who have played around with different props and pitch... I am not looking to make my 190 faster but I would start thinking of how I could help the mods work together for some better low end... just brainstorming if anyone has any thoughts.
Swatski did a pretty extensive review with different impellers, pitches, and cones. From what I read he had best luck using the OEM impeller with the Lucky13 cone and all 3 shims. This dramatically cut down on cavitation and greatly improved his low end torque.

I want to thank you for continuing to track all this down and provide positive feedback. I cant wait to see the pictures!

Reading all this my surfing mod list for our 2018 AR190 is as follows:
So quick update...
Last week we spent 4 straight days on the lake just focusing on surfing and foiling. The mods really did make a good bit of difference! No more full throttle just to keep the boat moving with 800lb bag on the back and approx 300-350lb in the ski locker. I'll get some pics up soon because it was really cool to be able to surf the second wake back on the foil even without ballast filled. Now that I'm getting the hang of this foil it has got to be one of the most challenging yet super fun water sports I've ever done in my 43 years on the water!
We definitely need to see your pics and videos of this. @Btown801 needs some inspiration to foil his 190.
That's awesome! Do you deep water start a foil just like a surf? How deep does that foil run?
That's awesome! Do you deep water start a foil just like a surf? How deep does that foil run?
Sorry to butt into the conversation. Video from slingshot I think illustrates the answers to your question pretty well.
The masts and wings most people run set about 26 to 30 inches below the board. You probably want to be in water that's at least 5 feet deep. I believe he's on a 28" mast with the Infinity 76cm wing. Another wing to consider would be the Infinity 84cm wing. I've not tried it personally, but it is reportedly more stable and requires less pumping. Although part of the appeal of the 76cm wing is its maneuverability when you get to carving.

I don't want to distract from the conversation, click and read on if you want the sales pitch:

Any one out there interested in a quote, message me. We're kicking off "Foil of July" sale this month. Discount code is only given to those who request it.
That's awesome! Do you deep water start a foil just like a surf? How deep does that foil run?

Deep water start, like J-RAD said anything more than 5 feet... but I'd go deeper for the boat's intake sake! My mast on the foil is the 24" one, add the mounting base and the foil itself and you're in the 26-28" range. I am using the 76 infinity foil and it has MORE than enough lift, we can maintain flight as low as 6mph! I would like (as I get better) to try the 36" mast that my buddy uses for kite foiling. In that video its hard to tell but we have the ballast filled up on the back deck... but with that foil you can surf with ZERO ballast and even on the second wake back and possibly third back! Overall it is one of the best watersports I have ever ventured into. My only complaint, and it is purely situational, is that I purchased the F2 soft top board and I love it however if you try to use your tower surf racks make sure you have something covering the board where the bungies/straps are... the first day out it left 2 permanent indentions on the side of the board. I rectified it with none other than 2 paper plates we had on the boat. I just folded them in half around the side of the board where the straps hold it. Other than that and it takes up quite a bit of room in the boat if not keeping it in the tower rack. I really do like the soft board overall tho!
At the time of the pics I had the lucky13 and we used 2 ballast bags, one on the rear deck and one in the ski locker... also had one of my big boned friends out with us for a total of 4 in the boat and one on the board. I had not and have not yet done the pump seal.
Since then I have noticed a need for some lower end and mid range grunt on the boat. So for the start of this season I did a really easy mod that I have found quite helpful. I did the ribbon delete using Rivas intake sleeve, however while i was in the process of putting the air intake back together I decided to completely remove the air box and put a 90degree stainless steel (found on amazon by another member. better than the plastic one i found first) in place and put an extra large K&N air filter on it. Perfect space since i removed the air box. AND THAT little change has made a world of difference in the power. Sadly I have not had the opportunity to set up the bags and surf yet this season, its always family day so far. This coming week however I have all those same guys coming up for a few days of surf and foiling. So I can't wait to put that power I tapped into to good use!

@Nauti-Nurse Any more noise with the K&N filter mod?
I thought I read somewhere that it would be noticeably louder, but not sure any more.
And do you have a link for the filter you used?
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I gave the foil a good college try. It is crazy hard. I can rip a wakeboard and surf board but that foil is a bit too much of a challenge for me. Maybe I will try again when I need to be humbled. ;-P
I gave the foil a good college try. It is crazy hard. I can rip a wakeboard and surf board but that foil is a bit too much of a challenge for me. Maybe I will try again when I need to be humbled. ;-P
It's an acquired skill. @Nauti-Nurse has been at it a while. No judgement at all, we don't doubt your abilities.
I gave the foil a good college try. It is crazy hard. I can rip a wakeboard and surf board but that foil is a bit too much of a challenge for me. Maybe I will try again when I need to be humbled. ;-P

Its a weird feeling at first, never would my body naturally want to put that much weight on my front foot. Did you have the mast attached to the fuselage at the forward setting and the mast attached to the board as far back as it goes? Thats where I started out.