Welcome to Orlando Thor, I live on the westside of Orlando.
I just purchase a 242 limited S a few days ago. This is my 3rd boat.
I wouldnt pay for a marina in Orlando, I dry store my boat and trailer it. Covered storage in my area is about $150. A month
There are 3 popular hang out lakes in Orlando
Lake butler chain of lakes / my favorite in our area
Conway chains of lakes
Silver glen springs / is about 45 to an hour away, crystal clear springs
@john94si says St pete and clear water is a completely different animal of fun if you decide to do salt water.
By far the my favorite is St pete and Clearwater area which is about 1 1/2 from Orlando. Tons of little islands you can beach at, bars and restaurant you can pull up to with the boat, hotels with docks. You can go about 30 minutes south of Clearwater to Anna Marie island and feel like paradise.
The Gulf seems to be cleaner and clearer in my option than the Atlantic
Have Fun!