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How I Replaced Yamaha's AIRMAR Transducer for half the cost (WITH PICTURES)

Wanted to let people researching know that I ended up getting a bad replacement transducer. The third one fixed the issue. The second one would throw the N2K error at first, but would then be fine except the depth was way off. So it is possible to get a bad one from the start.
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I am struggling with this very issue on my 2020 242 SE. Lots of com errors. When I disconnect the transducer, the only issue remaining error is the transducer. When I reconnect all the errors reappear. I am still going to test the connections prior to replacing the transducer, but after talking to a local service tech, I am 95% certain that it's the transducer. FYI the transducer was replaced two years ago.

I found this Garmin/Airmar DT800 on Amazon. Will this do the job? Anything else I need to know? Should I just splice or is there a pigtail out there for me someplace? Appreciate any help.
I am struggling with this very issue on my 2020 242 SE. Lots of com errors. When I disconnect the transducer, the only issue remaining error is the transducer. When I reconnect all the errors reappear. I am still going to test the connections prior to replacing the transducer, but after talking to a local service tech, I am 95% certain that it's the transducer. FYI the transducer was replaced two years ago.

I found this Garmin/Airmar DT800 on Amazon. Will this do the job? Anything else I need to know? Should I just splice or is there a pigtail out there for me someplace? Appreciate any help.
View attachment 226159

We will have a pigtail plug and play for sale by the end of the year.
I have a 2020 SX190 and my connext screen has been showing crazy water temperature numbers...106-108f. Is this the beginning of the end for my transducer? Everything else works fine, including depth and speed.