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Installed transducer on 2020 FSH 210.

I received a PM for better photos. This is on my 2021 210 fsh sport. I used it all weekend and really like the setup, no problems with side view ( other than seeing a line at the surface).

A couple of weeks ago I was at Grand Lake and the river was flowing so there was a LOT of debris in the lake. Transducer picked up a stick with some leaves and that caused issues. I didn’t know until I was loaded that it was covered in leaves.

That was also my first time to use the clean out ports, so good lessons...

I'm glad your transducer is working for you, but you may have it in the wrong position. I have not seen one mounted in that fashion before. It appears too low.. I'm no expert. Can anyone else chime in. I could be wrong. Thanks
Here are a few pics. I haven’t tested the boat in the water yet but happy with the install as of now. I used the custom mount from Midwest Steel (24”x6.5”x.05). Many people on here has had issues with the factory mount so opted not to use it although it came with the boat. The custom mount was $31 plus another $33 for expedited shipping. It fits perfectly and the cover pouch slides right over it once the trolling motor is removed.
Did Midwest Steel powdercoat the mount white for you, or did you have that done after?