I have been building aftermarket jet boat steering for 20 years that is WAY longer than any one else on the market.
There is a page in the vendors section that gives you a lot of info on all the different model specific steering systems I offer past and present .
When it comes to the super ultimate steering it is a very versatile steering system that allows the owner to change influence settings to their personal preference all this is explained on the cobra jet steering thread.
The further down the fins are set the MORE steering influence they provide setting them to go up at speed takes away all the high speed influence and only provides slow speed assistance, setting them in between lets you tweak the influence level to your personal preference.
The super fins were designed to add even more steering influence to the slow speed end of the steering because that is where you need it the most. And more influence allows the boat to turn on a dime at speed sling tubes with no effort " tubes should be fully inflated to reduce drag" I am sure most of you have seen my videos towing 2 tubes with 5 people using a p w c equipped with my steering while I drive with my feet or while I stand on the seat with my hands in the air.
This boat was running a very tight slalom course with the steering set all the way down, that was how he was able to not only carve through the course but make the last turn with NO THRUST ! And the other 3 videos I posted made by
@swatski were also with the steering fully deployed.
As for the mega fang plus those will swing the back of the boat around at slow speed as they are forward leading fins they also capture and concentrate the reverse thrust exiting the bottom of the older style nozzles so you put MORE of your real reverse to work for steering or dealing with strong currents while backing or dealing with wind waves etc. .
Up on plane they continue to provide a mild power steering effect and lead the back of the boat when turning.
As for the alternate side force stabilizers for the super ultimate steering that is not new at least 4 years ago I put posts up for people who inquired about them but my opinion regarding the loss of a large amount of real reveres thrust for backing or stopping using the other reveres mechanism has not changed and for the NEW 2019 + ,Yamaha ANGLED DUEL reverse jet thrust nozzles, I recommend leaving those alone, because they create two separate reverse thrust jet streams shooting out in the form of a V so either one will create a reverse push and a side push as the nozzle turns to either side without having opposing thrust because those basically cancel each other out .
I put pictures of that in pervious posts I am very impressed with that design and although I do see a way to possibly improve on it I am sitting back and watching the show for now.
Below is a picture of a Yamaha twin engine boat on plane you can see the nozzles are up completely out of the water .
Remember It's your boat so do as you wish but if you want to know something about MY steering like what it was designed to do and why, it is probably best to ask the inventor. Use the search button here and you can find all sorts of information on just about any product past and present.