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Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania....

Sorry for the late response. I have a camper site and slip there so I am bias. The launch can be tough the first time as its a tight lower turn. However once you've done it once or have someone guide you the first time if needed you'll be a pro. Its a pay per launch $10, so its traditionally not busy but very well regulated. The operators of the campground and slips are great (Tom and Doris) I do send a ton of people their way. If you do go and we aren't there a drop of my name or my brothers may help ya out a bit, we do a lot of side things for them and they do appreciate friends and family of those who are regulars. Not saying they will roll out a red carpet and comp everything, but they do tend to have a nicer disposition and do tend to drop their costs when its a known person. Building a solid relationship with them, just simple conversation and a nice cigar for them will go a long way. I have my boat on D dock which is across from the gas dock and its in good shape. The lower section is all brand new this year and they will be redoing the rest this winter, most of the rental slips are on A dock. A dock does get some wake from the point but not enough to be worried. The water can get dicey during peak hours, however you are traditionally on the water at that time so its a non issue. It is surveilled so things always have a watchful eye on them, which is nice. The tent sites are all great, I personally recommend sites 52-55. They have the best views on the campground, right on the water .... I will attach some images of everything for you. View attachment 224838View attachment 224839 View attachment 224840 View attachment 224841
Site 54 above ^
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Site 55 ^
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Slip on D Dock ^
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Camper Site ^
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Launch ^

Hopefully that helps out slightly in your decision making.
Thanks for the great info. Took the boat to OCMD last week. I enjoyed the newness of it but it's shallow and I'm not the biggest fan of salt water. I hope to get to Wally in Sept. Heading to the Upper Chesapeake next weekend. If I don't get a tent site, I assume I can still pay to use the ramp?
Thanks for the great info. Took the boat to OCMD last week. I enjoyed the newness of it but it's shallow and I'm not the biggest fan of salt water. I hope to get to Wally in Sept. Heading to the Upper Chesapeake next weekend. If I don't get a tent site, I assume I can still pay to use the ramp?
Absolutely. $10 to launch, your vehicle and trailer stay in a secure lot just up from the ramp.
That sounds fun! Hopefully you enjoy. I too am not a huge fan of putting my boat in the salt but OCMD is fun depending on the time of season, we will be down in Sept and Oct
Thank you to all the people from the Valley area that showed up! Was great event still tallying all the boats from drone footage but we will have that soon and the footage will be posted online! Great performances, the Charity motorcycle ride went fairly well one or two hiccups but had great numbers.
The bands did awesome and the area was packed.
Thank you to all the vineyards, breweries, local farmers, crafters and food vendors who participated.
The Boat show was a huge success, thank you to all the local dealers and marinas who brought boats out and to all the vintage boats that came from all over.
Thank you for all the local restaurants, hotels, motels and anyone who put up all all the added traffic and people in town.
Thank you to DCNR, PA State Police for bringing extra patrols to the kale and keeping everyone safe.
Thank you to all the local EMS, Fire and Police for keeping everyone safe and directing traffic.
Thank you to all the kayakers for attending the parade and thank you to The Chamber and Lake Wally Fest for putting on another killer event.
Thank you Redneck yacht Club family for always showing up, doing the clean ups, walking the islands and dealing with me being crazy!
Another year in the books.
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